I tried not to look at his naked body, even though all vitals in me wanted to, I pulled out my gun.

" So your going to shoot me, cause I moved next to you?" he said sarcastically.

" No , just checking how many bullets there are left in case I have to shoot everyone in this car"

" There's no need for that, these are my niggas outside of the gang you need not to worry about them" he said taking the gun out of my hand.

One of the four men sitting in front of me removed his mask.

" Wass good lil mama?" he asked turning toward my direction.

Seeing how being friends with someone can led to death not to long ago I nodded my head in reply.

" Toya this is Rico, Rico , Toya "

" Seems like she's not interested on meeting me dawg, it's good though"

Devin moved back to his original spot and proceeded to change, he passes me a set of folded clothes.

" Here put this on, I don't want any attention drawn to us when we step out the car"

I looked at the black bundle of clothes.

" How you so sure there my size?" I said smartly.

" Doesn't matter, put them on"

I separated the clothes, and open them one by one.

They seemed legit.

I looked to Rico who was watching my every move.

" Unless this is a strip club? I advise you to put your eyes somewhere else boy" directing it to Rico.

" It sure is, let me see what you working with" he said chuckling.

" You don't know me so watch how you speak to me"

" You mad ma? or nah ?"

" I will shoo-"

" Hey! relax get dressed, Rico come here, I got to put you on" Devin said stopping my threat.

" Your tough" Rico said smirking as he moved to Devin.

I watched as Devin and Rico where talking making sure Rico didn't try to sneak a peak at me.

I undressed.

Putting the shirt on first, it fit to a point, but was still baggy, I used my hair tie and tied the back. I slipped on the pants, which was slim fitting, because my thighs and butt was big, it looked as if my figure was outstanding.

I balled up the clothes I took off and slid them to the side.

" Yea man, not only did he set me up, but tried to off me dawg" I heard Devin explaining what happened to Rico.

" Yo that niggas a dead man, fuck that cuz, you know how I get down, his whole squad is walking dead body's, don't worry bout that, I got that!"

Devin and Rico turned to my attention.

" Damn shawty them some baby making hips" Rico said surprised. " how you do that?"

Confused I asked " What?"

" Get that ass to fit in them jeans?" he laughed.

Devin chuckled.

" Your a clown Rico I swear"

Wanting to smack Rico I took in a deep breathe.

" Yea, you should really find a circus since you so fucking funny" I spoke under my breathe.

The van stopped, and Rico opened the door.

It looked as if we drove somewhere into the woods, and came upon an abandon house that was used for cabin party's.

I stepped out.

Following them inside, my first judges on the place were mistaken. It didn't look nothing like the outside.

It was beautiful.

Looking around, it seemed as a perfect hide away, for someone who still wanted to feel as if they were still living the luxury.

" Ok, so we need to plan our next step, shit is hot right now and if we go back to the city, we might as well make a death wish" Devin said going into the kitchen.

" We all had masks on, why is it a big deal it's not like they seen our face" I said confused.

" Yea for you, it's safe, but for me? that nigga was apart of my family, that Nigga knew me inside and out that nigga knows everything about me!" Devin angrily punched the wall.

"Calm down cuz, he's dead, all you got to worry about is the puppets, but I told you well handle that just hide for now" Rico said.

" Fuck man... this Nigga was in my home, this Nigga knows my family, this nigga probably has a plot to kill me or my family"

I thought, realizing maybe they still think he's dead.

" What if they think your dead though?, didn't he shoot you?" I asked.

Devin thought.

" Yea but if I go back my family is going to know I'm alive, and word will get out, man fuck it I'm going to stay out here for a while"

Devin handed Rico a set of keys.

" Go to my crib and get me 7 sets of out fits and my all black nikes"

Rico nodded.

Devin looked to me.

" Good job today, glad to see your still walking, I'll catch up to you sometime" he pulled me in for a hug.

" Wait, I don't know my way from here" I said giving him a hug.

" Good, that's why Rico is taking you home "

I looked to Rico as he was heading out with the other three men.

Devin kissed my forehead.

" Take it easy ma "

I pulled out the hug.

" You gone be straight?" I asked.

He looked around.

" Looks like I'm going to be living lavish huh?"

I chuckled.

" Yea it's beautiful"

" Thanks I decorated myself" he said pretending to flip a piece of hair from his face " Well you better get going, Rico's very impatient"

" Pfft, you really setting him up to get hurt huh?"

" Just play nice "

I turned to walk away, hearing a smash behind me I turned to see what it was and saw Devin smashing his phone onto the floor.

I turned back around and walked out the door.

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