Chapter 7

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Running to the gurney , I saw my mother laying there, she wasn't breathing.

" Mom, please wake up , wake up" I tried to shake her, the officer pulled me away.

"Mom!" tears rushed down my checks as I dropped to the floor.

Is she dead?

Watching as they lifted her into the ambulance, two hands came to my shoulder, lifting me up.

" It's going to be ok" Devon spoked in my ear softly.

Wanting to chase after the ambulance, I laid my head on his shoulder.

" Come on, let's go "

Feeling dizzy as I walked to the car, I held on to the door handle, taking 3 deep breathes to calm myself, I got in.

The drive to the hospital, felt heart wrecking.

What if I get there and it's too late?

Thoughts filled my mind.

Pulling up to the hospital, Devon parked in front of the emergency room.

We both got out

" Sir you can't park there" said a doctor.

We ignored and rushed into the emergency room.

Not able to speak clearly from all the crying I sat down.

" What's her name?" Devon asked me handing me tissues.

Cleaning my face, I replied.

" Tony- ton- Tonya.. " I said gasping between every word.

I watched as Devon walked to get information.

" May I help you sir?" A old lady dressed as a nurse asked.

" I'm here to see a patient who just came in a ambulance" Devon stated.

"First name?"

" Tonya "

" You can't see here right now, she's getting checked "

" Ok , how long does that usually take?"

" About an hour or so , they have to run tests''

" Ok " Devon walked back to me. " They're testing her" he sat down.

" This is all my fault" I said while grabbing my hair.

" No it's not" he implied.

" Yes it is , if I would have just stayed and not gone to the stupid party, or even just forgiving her we wouldn't be in this predicament" I stood up.

Devon's phone rung.

He ignored it.

" You can go, I'll be fine" I said.

Staying seated he looked at me.

" I'm not leaving you here at a time like this, come sit down."

I started to get angry.

" You know, you don't have to act like you care, I know you have better things to do"

Devon looked at me confused.

" Nah, I don't, just come an sit down"

No one ever stayed around when I needed it the most. I never even asked for help. seeing that he played as he cared got me upset, only a matter of time before he actually doesn't.

" You must have had it hard huh? " Devon asked.

I looked at him angrily.

" What the hell is that supposed to mean"

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