Chapter 8

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I stepped out the tub.

Felt good to have warm water running down my body after the day I had.

I put my blood stained clothes in a black trash bag, later I would burn them.

I walked to the living room and took the black book bag with me.

Opening it up, I poured out everything onto the counter.

There was weed , cocaine , Molly's, prescription drugs of all sorts.

This was the jackpot.

I pulled out my phone to call my connect.

" Hey!" I said excitedly

" Wassup girl?" the deep voice said in the phone.

" I might have a good situation here, come to my house ASAP "

" Ok be there in a minute" he said hanging up.

I sat back and looked at all the products on the table. This all is worth at least $5,000 all together , probably more.

30 minutes passed and the door bell rung.

I jumped up to get it, I opened the door.

" Come on in and head straight to the living room" I said.

He walked over and was as surprised as I was.

" Oh shit , shorty where you get all this shit?" He said grabbing his head.

" Just a little evening run" I said closing and locking the door.

He sat on the couch going through all the product.

" This going to make a fortune"

" Yea, that exactly what I was thinking "

I sat next to him.

" Damn you really out done yourself , nah for real , how you get across this, what you ran up in a drug house and stole it?"

I chuckled.

" No , I just happened to come across a person who owed me"

I didn't want to tell him I killed someone, knowing him he would freak out and make it bigger than it is.

" Oh , well he did you justice"

" Are you hungry?" I asked.

" Nah I'm not, let's just figure out where all this is going to go"

We talked for hours so it seemed and came across a plan.

" Yea, that's exactly what I thought" I said.

" Yea but we'll have to figure out how to get all the people to come and buy it, you know how people have there own plugs , I think it's time to turn out the lights" he said.

" Yea but, we are risking our own lives for this little bit of profit"

" No when we rob the other plugs, we will be getting way more product to atleast run our own head quarters"

I looked at him, he was serious.

" Well, we just have to tell the others about it, and be deep when we do the hits"

" Oh for sure shorty, we can't be slacking, trust me , I do this " he chuckled.

" Ok , I'm down "

He looked around.

" Where's your mother?"

I looked at him.

" She's in acoma"

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