"Well, depends on what kind of drunk you are." He flirts.

The woman makes a face as she replies, "Angry."

They both laugh and I smile to myself. This is what I want for Alaric, for him to be with someone fun, nice and human.

Alaric and his date make plans to have dinner together before she leaves. He sits back down and watches her go before checking his watch.

"Well, she seems sweet." I comment, standing up to move to his table.

Alaric whips around to look at me as I take a seat, "Clara, um. How long were you there?"

"Long enough to hear you're having dinner with her." I pause, "I'm really happy for you, Ric. And a doctor? A sexy one at that. Nice job."

He rolls his eyes and goes to speak, but he's interrupted by Damon who must have just got here.

"She's a doctor?"

I look up at Damon as he takes a seat across from me. The tired, annoyed look on my face has to be beyond clear, but he still smirks at me and holds up his phone in a mocking way.

"You've been avoiding me."

"You've been a lying dick."

"Okay," Alaric cuts in, "Not now. Both of you."

I slouch in my chair and cross my arms over my chest to show I'm frustrated with him. I'm not usually a stubborn or petty person, but Damon really screwed up our friendship by lying to me about Mikael. Just because we've been friends for almost a century, that doesn't mean he will get off the hook for what he's done.

The men in front of me chatter away about the girl Alaric is seeing, but I can't pay much attention with how little sleep I've had. I'm bothered by all of this, as weird as that sounds. I want him to be happy because he deserves that, but it's so strange to see him pull the same moves on her that he pulled on me. Whatever, I'm not going to show these feelings externally or else it would make me a hypocrite for pushing him away.

Damon catches my attention by tossing a small notebook to Alaric that he had tucked into his jacket, "That's yours."

"I wonder what my exes would call me?" Alaric says, still on the topic I wasn't listening to.

"Nothing. They're all dead." Damon replies instantly.

I shoot him a dirty look, but he doesn't bother taking anything from it. Alaric doesn't skip a beat, probably used to Damon's crass jokes.

"Well, her ex is the medical examiner, so he is dead adjacent."

"She dated the medical examiner? I don't think he's dead adjacent, I think he's just dead."

"What?" I question, trading the sleepiness for sudden interest.

Damon nods, unfazed, "Murdered. Sheriff is trying to keep a lid on it because he was staked in the chest like a vampire."

I purse my lips, thinking, "That's definitely interesting."

Alaric ignores me, "Well, Meredith didn't say anything about that."

I cringe. I hope she's not some crazy psycho killer and that these details mean nothing. Could Alaric really choose woman that poorly? I don't really know much about his past, but based on Damon's comment about his exes, plural, being dead, it can't possibly be a very good track record.

"Who do you think killed him?" Alaric wonders.

Damon shrugs, "I don't know, but if I was a cop, your sexy doctor lady friend would definitely be a suspect."

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