Chapter Fifty-Seven: One Night

Start from the beginning

Robin pulled Regina deeper into the crowd, snaking through groups of people until they emerged from the mass of sailors, travelers and villagers into a small, canopied area. The noise level dropped as they ventured deeper through the small passageway.

On either side of the couple sat tables full of jewels, trinkets, lanterns, food and clothing. Women stood and spoke to customers as children ran and played alongside the path that lead deeper into the canopies. Sailors laughed and traded goods as others mulled their way along the dirt road.

"What is this place?" Regina looked around in amazement, stepping to the side as a dog ran by followed by a young boy. Regina laughed as she turned her attention back to Robin.

"The traders market. People from all over arrive at the ports and many of them use what they brought with them to trade." Robin explained as he led Regina along the path. "It's not a currency thing. My arrows might be worth a scarf or a trinket or some jewels. If I wanted something, we'd barter for a fair enough trade."

"Is there anything that sparks your interest?" Regina asked as she gazed along the isles of cloth and jewels, amazed at something so intricate yet casual. It didn't seem possible, yet here it all was.

They stopped walking and Regina turned to face Robin as she tilted her head. "You've got that look on your face again." Regina sighed.

"The only thing I desire is something I already have." Robin smiled, reaching out to brush his thumb over the charm necklace that was tied around Regina's neck.

"Roland gave it to me before I left. For good luck." Regina explained, taking a step closer to her lover. "What exactly is it that you already have?"

"You." Regina smiled, tilting her head as she gazed into Robins eyes. How she missed those bright blue eyes.

Her hand gently ran along Robin's jaw as she rose on the balls of her feet for one gentle kiss. Robin smiled, his arms snaking around her waist. His eyes flickered away from Regina before returning as his smile turned to a smirk. Regina allowed herself to lower back down in her feet as she looked up at him inquisitively. "What?"

"I have another surprise." Robin spun Regina around and pointed over her shoulder. Three stands down stood an older woman with a scarf pulled up over her hair. She was speaking to a young man, bartering for what looked like a basket of bread. "Granny." Robin whispered, watching as Regina immediately took off towards the woman.

"Granny!" She called, catching the older woman's attention. Granny turned and clasped her hands, laughing as Regina wrapped her arms around her in a huge collision.

"Sweet child." Granny swayed with Regina in her arms, pulling back to look over her. "It's been too long. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine." Regina beamed with joy as she glanced over her shoulder back at Robin. "How are you?" She asked, her hand hovering over the burns on Granny's face. "I could fix this up if it's bothering you too much." Regina offered.

"These old things?" Granny shook her dad and batted Regina's hands away. "I got some solution from a fairy the other day that's completely taken care of it." Granny paused, chewing on her lip as her eyebrow quirked upwards. "You're pregnant?"

Regina blushed, lowering her head. "Robin told you." Regina guessed.

"No." Granny grinned as she took the young girl's hand. "You're glowing. That, and you're married." Regina smiled and nodded, feeling Robin's presence behind her. His chest pressed against her back, allowing her to lean gently into him. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Regina grinned and reached back to take hold of Robins hand.

"Well, I've better go. Ruby is waiting back at the inn for some fresh bread. I'll see you two soon." Regina kisses Granny's cheek before letting her go, watching as she disappeared through the crowd.


The room was small and dark, the only light coming in from the little window on the far side of the wall. Regina laid beside Robin, her body pressed against as her head rested on his bare chest. Her eyes were heavy with sleep but she couldn't bring herself to drift off. She only had a limited of time left before she had to leave and she wouldn't miss it by sleeping.

Robin's hand stopped running circles on her back, enticing Regina to look up at her lover. Robin smiled and shook his head. "You should be asleep by now." His lips pressed gently to her forehead as he squeezed her in an embrace. "I'm surprised you aren't tired after such an eventful night."

Regina smiled, remembering the trip to the beach after meeting Granny. Regina though back to the wind whipping her cheeks as Robin held her from behind as they watched the sun set from their place in the sand. She thought back to the picnic they shared after scrambling up to the roof of the inn and how they talked for hours about nothing and everything. How they returned to Robin's small room and retired to bed after all the kisses they'd shared. She thought about his body so close to hers as they lay awake together, dreading the sunrise.

"I never said I wasn't." Regina smiled as reached across Robin's body, looping her arm back up to his hair to run her fingers through it.

"Don't let me keep you." Robin frowned as Regina planted a small kiss to his jaw, working her way up to his lips.

"I'd rather be awake with you." She whispered as she nuzzled her head into his neck. Silence overwhelmed the couple as they held each other close. "Why can't you come home with me?" Regina whispered eventually. "Your mission is over. You did a great thing. But I'm so worried about you out here." Regina sighed, looking into Robin's crisp blue eyes.

"My mission isn't over until all of our men are accounted for." Robin explained, turning his head towards Regina's. "I promise I'll be back at the castle within the next couple of days. But as king, I have to make sure that everything is okay."

"But everything isn't okay. And it won't be okay until we win this." Regina reasoned, sitting up in bed and crossing her arms.

"But I can make sure my men- our men- are safe and protected." Robin explained as he propped himself up on one elbow. "I'm trying to do what's best for our kingdom and sometimes I'm going to have to sacrifice safety." Watching as Regina hung her head between her knees, Robin reached out and let his hand settle on her exposed shin. "But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to be safe with my duties."

"I'm just so worried." Regina whispered, locking her fingers tightened behind her head. Robin sighed and pulled Regina into his arms, pressing his own back against the wall.

"Don't be." Robin brushed Regina's hair from her cheeks and planted a kiss on the corner of her lips. "It's scary, but we can handle this. I promise." Robin held out his wrist, his other hand covering the lion charm thy hung around Regina's neck. "We're lucky."

Regina laughed and shook her head. "I am the must unlucky woman you've ever met."

"And I'm lucky I found you. Maybe I can cancel out some of that misfortune." Robin squeezed Regina's waist and chuckled when she smiled.

Regina looked up at Robin, cupping his cheeks in her hands as she smiled. "I love you." She whispered, moving to kiss the only man that mattered.

Both Regina and Robin jumped as someone knocked on the door from the other side. "Knight watch shift has changed, your highness." Graham's voice sent shivers down Regina's spine as she crawled to hold Robin once more.

"Thank you." Robin called, wrapping Regina in his arms. "I'll be there in a moment." The couple waited until the sound of his footsteps subsided before speaking again.

Robin smiled and kissed Regina before pulling away to grab his coat. "I'll be gone for just a short moment." Robin explained, buttoning the front of his green jacket. "Get some rest and I'll wake you once I'm back."

Regina swung her feet over the edge of the bed and followed Robin around their small room. "Can't I come with you?" Regina asked, crossing her arms over her chest as Robin moved around her in circles.

"No, my love. There's no reason to. Plus, you'd be a distraction." Robin paused, smiling down at Regina before taking her in a passionate kiss. "Get some rest so when I come back we can sneak out to the ocean again before you go." Robin took Regina's hand in his and smiled, watching as she slipped back in bed before walking out the door.

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