Chapter 5: Dead or Alive?

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All he could see was darkness. He breathed in heavily. Wait, He breathed? He tried to open his eyes slowly and was instantly blinded by light. He hissed silently at it and sat up. Where was he?

He was in the middle of a giant marble temple. Around 6 pillars, 3 on each side were made from sparkling lime stone. He was on a circle platform that was raised about 2 shallow steps from ground. Behind him sat a water fountain that stretched along the back wall. leaves where hanging from the ceiling and they had white and golden flowers growing from them.The ceiling its self was nothing but clouds that let in sun light. It was gorgeous.

At the end of the long wide hallway sat a pure gold wall made up from engraved letters and words from the ancient language along with a long bench that had a red material draped over it.

Dipper sat there shocked. Was this heaven? Was this real? Was he dead?

Suddenly he heard talking. Two people walked out from one of the gaps between the pillars. Each section between two pillars looked as if it lead to another room or part of this place.They looked at Dipper and froze.

They were both female, one taller than the other. They had black hair and were very pretty. They wore white tunic like clothing that resembled servant clothes.

"يا إلهي هو أن بشري؟" One of them said in shock an terror.

Dipper understood what they were saying. The tall one had said 'Oh my gosh is that a human?'

"كيف انه لم يحصل هنا؟ ماذا سيفعل سموه إذا وجده هنا؟"The short girl paniced. Dipper looked confused at the short one of the girls who had asked 'How did he get here? What will he do if he finds it here?'

"لم أكن أعرف أن أحد البشر قد وجد من أي وقت مضى سموه 'قبر" The other replied not breaking eye contact with Dipper. She had said calmly 'I didn't know that a mortal had ever found his highness' tomb'

"لا، لم أكن أعرف ذلك. لم يذكره أبدا." the short girl replied in a stutter. She replied 'No, I did not know that. He never mentioned it.'

Dipper had had enough of translating and spoke up.

"E-excuse me can you tell me where I am?" He never stood up incase this was yet another trap.

"انه يتحدث..." she gasped. Dipper frowned as she had said 'It speaks'.

"Im not an It! Please help me!" He begged standing up in frustration.

"يبدو أنه ذكر ويتحدث اللغة الإنجليزية، هل تعرف من ذلك؟?" She asked her taller friend 'He seems to be male and speaks English, do you know that?' The taller out of the two nodded and cleared her throat approaching Dipper carefully.

"How did you get here?" She asked slowly as if he was dumb.

"I found a tomb and after reading this piece of papyri paper I began to sink through the floor! Tell me where I am Please!" Dipper began to tear up. He was so scared. Was he even alive.

The two girls turned and whispered before taking the piece of paper and reading it.

"Its seems you have entered our realm mortal. My name is Lilia and this is Jina we are but humble servants that live-lived to server our ruler." They bowed.

" you mean your dead and im not?" Dipper smiled slightly in relief.

"I dont know you see no one has ever found his highness' tomb before, we have never seen a mortal since we were living." The shorter one, Jina explained.


"What year is it?" Lilia asked.

"Why its the year 2018!" He smiled.

"We've been dead 2100 years!?" Jina cried.

"how did you die?" Dipper asked.

"We were killed and buried with our Master to serve him in the afterlife, have you not read a mummification book?" She grinned shaking Dippers hand.

"Your telling me Im in the afterlife?" Dipper muttered.

"No your in Ciphers realm, his afterlife. Each royal has their own place in the afterlife. It seems you falling through quicksand has either killed you and sent you to us as your corpse will also be in the tomb or you were just sent here and are still living." Lilia explained.

"Cipher? The murdered prince? His body wasn't even there!" Dipper yelled.

"Well duh what did you expect a god to leave his body behind for mortals such as yourself to steal?" Jina laughed.

"Well yes...hes a god?" Dipper muttered in shock.

"He had or rather has powers of a God as he was blessed with them at Birth and it was his downfall, hes now immortal, still chilling here with us aint that right Jina?" Lilia laughed nudging her friends arm.

" جينا! ليليا! ما يأخذ لكم هيس طويلة لا تزال تنتظر!" a loud voice was heard yelling along the lines of 'whats taking you so long hes waiting'

"We must go, to keep high highness waiting this long is a crime! goodbye!" Lilia and jina ran off leaving Dipper alone.

"Wait!" He ran after them. He was then met with the source of the loud voice a small man dressed also as a servant.

Lilia held a jug of water and Jina held some chocolates in a small wooden box as they nervously looked at Dipper.

"Well ill be stunned if it isn't a human! His majesty must see this!" The small man grabbed Dipper and opened two large golden doors and pushed him inside.

"Randi wait!" Jina yelled at the man but before they could finish Dipper was in the golden room and the other servants were all looking at him in utter terror and shock.

Dippers eyes widened as right before him on a silken made bed ,as he was being fanned by a servant holding a giant palm leaf, sat the whole reason why he came to Egypt.

The Long lost Prince of Egypt, Cipher.

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