Chapter 12

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Weeks had passed and things were slowly getting back to normal, well as normal as they got. McGee pouted as he went back to his desk in the Cyber Unit. He wasn't even in charge. It was as if he'd been demoted, he hadn't deserved this. People seemed to think that he helped Ziva spy for Mossad. She'd lied to and betrayed him as well. No one trusted him anymore; they definitely didn't like him that was for sure. He felt so alone.


Abby sighed as she looked around her lab. It looked like all the others, it had no personality. All those little touches that made it hers were all gone. Every little procedure had to be followed and it was also checked. They treated her like she was a newbie, an idiot and not one of the best forensic scientists in the country.

She had tried to get Gibbs and Tony to forgive her, especially after Ziva told her she and McGee had lied. She didn't care what people thought. Timmy had made excuses, she had played on that, but nothing worked. All Gibbs cared about was Tony.

"He's the favourite now." Abby droned. It was the first time she had truly thought about leaving NCIS. It had been her home for so long, but now she was being treated like she was the same as everyone else. No one was being extra nice to her, no appearance of her favourite caffeine beverage. She went to Ducky and asked him what had changed. It seemed that they had heard how Tony was treated and his fellow agents didn't like it. Abby missed those days back when she got away with everything.

There could be a company out there where she could set her own rules. The thing that broke her heart was how cold Gibbs acted towards her. She missed those hugs and kisses. It was all gone because Timmy and Ziva had lied to him. It wasn't her fault and she should've forgiven. It was childish that they didn't.


Carrie was going through a case file. It contained everything to do with Tony's mother's death.

"Carrie, what are you doing?" Al asked as soon as he walked over to her.

"I need to get Senior away from Tony. I don't think the abuse evidenced will be enough. There has to be more I can...."

"What is it?" Al leaned over her shoulder to see what was looking at.

"This name Charles Hall, I know that name."

"Okay, can you think of where from? Concentrate on one of the times Tony had been beaten. He was with you and the two of you were both hiding from his father."

Carrie closed her eyes remembered those times. Her and Tony hiding away, she reached out to touch the bruises and there was a knock at the door. Her eyes shot open and then turned to look at her partner. "He used to come to the house. I remember a conversation between him and Senior. A hospital had concerns about how Tony was injured."

Al sat at his desk and started to search on his computer. "Charles Hall, lawyer, deceased."

"Let's talk to Tony and see what he remembers about the man. We'll also talk to the law firm." Carrie really hoped that this would lead somewhere.


Gibbs, Al and Carrie sat down as boxes of files were placed in front of them. It was all the information they had on Mrs DiNozzo.

"How did Tony take being benched?" Al laughed.

"He's not happy, but understands why he can't be here. I want to see everything first, I don't want him to be hurt by anything in here. Normally, I would still let him look, but he's been through so much lately. I don't know how much more he could take."

"You can't protect him from everything." Carrie knew the need to protect him as well.

"I know, but when he's back on an even keel. This is also about the possible murder of his mother, by his father."

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