Chapter 2: Mystery! Rikki's determination

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As Roma and Sera helps me with the party decorations cleaned up, Rikki and his Damon, Rising Dracyan came into the house.

"Hey, what's up, Roma, Aona?" He asks us as Roma and I were silent at the moment.

Dracyan looks at us and asks, "Did something happen that we should know about? Where's Garuburn?"

Les said, "Something did happen, Dracyan, and it appears to be not good news by the looks of it. Garuburn and Aona was about to explain what happen while Sera tries to cheer Roma up." 

I nod at the Damon's concern. 

"I'm afraid it was worse. There were a group of unknown B-Shots. They were so powerful of what I ever seen. Their Damon managed to beaten Garuburn before Kamon ever make his powerful special move." 

Rikki said, in a surprise tone, "Mystery!" 

Dracyan asks in pure curiosity, "But why would a couple of B-Shots would kidnap the Grand B-Master?

What is their purpose?" 

Roma slams his fists to a wall. "I should've stopped them from taking Kamon. It's all on me." 

Rikki seems to outrage of having his friend being taken. 

"I'm not going to be staying here and complaining . It's time to take action and do something about it!" 

Sera said, "I'm with you, Rikki, but where should we look for Kamon? Those guys took him without telling Aona and Garuburn, remember?"

Les said, "We'll find a way. Besides, I do recall Rikki and the other B-Shots did save Rudy and the world from Dragold right?"

Roma exclaim in pure shock, "Really? I never knew that!"

Rikki rubbed his head in pure embarrassment, "Yeah, that was a long time ago, before I met Kamon and being the East Area B-Master.

That is how I became a B-Shot in the first place and learning all about Crossfire."

I can see in Rikki's eyes that he wouldn't change his mind going after my brother.

"Just promise me that you'll find Kamon and bring him back home." I said.

Sera and Rikki nodded, comforting me as they went out the house. 


I still can't believe a bunch a B-shots threaten Aona like that. It makes me wonder who these guys are.

As Dracyan, Les and Rikki follows my lead, we heard a voice.

"Hey, Sera, Rikki! Wait for me!" 

We turned to see it was Roma, who was panting with sweat.

"R-Roma! What you doing here?" I asked the former Grand Master with pure curiosity.

"I want to help of rescuing Kamon. I know that I'm not a B-shot anymore, but you guys need me, no matter what dangers lurk ahead." 

Rikki asks, "Are you sure you want to go, Roma? I mean it could lead into a dangerous situation since you don't have a Damon with you."

"I'll be fine, Roma. I say let's get going." He said, but something tells me that maybe he wants to prove himself.


I wake up, groaning , "Uh.. where am I?"

I was tied to a chair, unable to move. I realize that I was held captive.

"Well, nice of you to finally wake up from your nap." Someone said. I turn to the voice and said, "Who's there?!?"

As the mysterious person appears to me, as a young girl with a powerful Damon by her side.

"Geez, Serbia. You have to make everything else memorable, do you? " The Damon groans.

Serbia said, "Geez, Nui. You don't have to be mad. I was just... entertaining our guest." 

I said, "What you want from me? Where's Garuburn?"

Serbia chuckles, "You worried too much about your partner, but not about your friends who will rescue you?"

I growled in anger, "You leave my friends out of this! Whatever you're planning, it's not going to work!" 

"The B Organization will relive the B-Animals' world and it would be ours for the taking. All we need the energy from the Grand B-Master." 

I gulped. 

I have to get out of here before Roma and the others get themselves into more trouble than they bargained for.


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