Chapter Eleven- Another Vision.

Start from the beginning

"I give 'em 48 hours. If that." She replied, making me feel sick to my nonexistent stomach.

They both walked away and I went over to Derek, whose arm looked pretty bad. It started to glow purple, and blue smoke came from it.

I shot up in my bed and looked at my clock. I pulled away the covers and ran my hands through my sweat filled hair. Groaning, I slowly rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom.

Somehow, I feel somewhat refreshed, even after that vision-nightmare thing of mine. That reminds me, I should really talk to Scott and Stiles about that.

Text me your outfit! Need to make sure you're cute and we're not matching. ~Lydia

I chuckled, taking a picture of myself in the mirror and sending it to her. 

So not my style, but it looks cute on you.  ~Lydia

Okay, contacts time. I took one of them out of the container, and put it into my eye.

What the hell?

My vision is blurry. It suddenly started to make my eye hurt, so I quickly took it out, putting it back into the container. Okay, I definitely should talk to Stiles and Scott about this.


I got out of my car just as Jackson pulled into a spot next to mine. I know I'm getting good at the whole talking thing, but my new look and the whole eye thing just made it a million times more uncomfortable for me.

I walked up to Stiles, smiling. I tapped him on the shoulder and he whirled around, yelling a little bit.

"Hey, Stiles. We need to talk."

"Wait- Isabel?" He said, tilting his head.

"Yeah, we need to talk about. I'm getting freaked out, alright? This all started when we went into the woods. I wasn't bitten, or scratched, or anything of that sort. But see, look at me. No acne. My hair looks way fuller, way shinier. And I tried putting in my new contacts this morning, and it just made my vision worse and my eyes hurt. My vision is perfect. And-"

He put his hand up to my mouth, making butterflies shoot up my stomach.

"Slow down. Okay, yes, I've noticed the whole new body thing. I mean, I thought you just got new shampoo and acne wash. But the eyesight thing? That's just creepy. I mean- this could be serious you know."

I pushed his hand off my mouth, "I know. But I think this is supernatural, or I'm just losing it." I gulped.

"Wha- why? What else has been happening?" He said, looking around and suddenly whispering.

I looked away and back to him, gulping, "I've been having visions. I had a dream last night about this Kate lady who is apparently Allison's aunt. She shot Derek in the arm with some sort of special bullet. I thought it was wolfsbane, but it could be anything. Scott was there too. I also had a different one after the party, when Scott found Allison's jacket and went all Batman with his voice. I just-" I looked away, pausing, "I'm just sorta freaking out."

He grabbed my shoulder, "We'll figure this out, alright? We always do. I mean, we haven't been very successful with Scott, but he's still alive. AND he hasn't killed anyone. That's always a plus. Not dying is always good."

I smiled, "That is true. And besides, I didn't wolf out and try to kill you on the full moon. I'm pretty sure I'm not a werewolf. I mean, do werewolves have visions? Oh god. Do they? What if I grow sideburns?"

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now