Chapter 2

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We had been sitting there for hours on end talking in that small quaint coffeeshop. I was helplessy starting to like Ashton. Every word he spoke rolled off so smooth and I found myself hanging onto each syllable. I loved that Ashton was a great listener. At times he looked at me then looked down and smiled.

We made awkward "first conversation" small talk. So far I had found out that Ashton Irwin loved the color red, bananas, music, and that no one knew the design of the tattoo he just got recently.

After talking and asking the ridiculous questions for a while longer he asked me something that caught my attention.

"Alright my turn. Do you feel like you can trust strangers?" Ashton asked noncholantly as he ripped open a sugar packet and dumped it into his coffee.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you not to talk to strangers Mr. Irwin?" I snarkily added and then winked at him.

"If yours did then your not doing a grerat job at it," he came back.

I sarcastically clapped my hands at his comeback.

"No but really. Do you feel that you can trust strangers?"

"I guess. I have to have talked to them. Then it justs depends on how attractive they are," I responded, proud of myself that I had a cute answer. I batted my eyelashes at Ashton and started to giggle.

"Oh really now?" he looked back at me very amused with my answer " Since I'm a stranger do you trust me?" he propped his elbows on the table and rested his chin in his hands. Ashton batted his eyelashes back at me.

"Now now Irwin, after all you're not a total stranger. I do know your favorite colo and all your reasons for liking bananas," I grinned.

Ashton made a funny sound which I realized was a laugh.

I burst out laughing, spewing my drink I had been slurping all over the place.

"What!" Ashton asked still laughing a little.

"Your laugh is adorable," I blurted out before I could think "I mean it's funny," I tried to recover.

I plunged my face into my hands and laughed silently. I could already feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

"I must admit Mabyn, you have quite an adorable laugh yourself," he said sweetly.

I thought my heart was about to fly out of my chest. Did Ashton really think I was adorable? Or was he just making fun of my slip up? He must've noticed I was thinking about what had just happened. He opened his mouth to say something when the coffee shop door ran and a familiar face walked in.

"Luke! Over here!" I shouted and waved him over.

My childhood bestfriend walked over and sat down right next to me.

"Ashton this is Luke Hemmings, Luke this is Ashton Irwin," I introduced them.

They both stood up to shake hands and exchanged awkward glances. They were wondering what the other was doing here with me.

"Um Ashton, Luke lives in my apartment building. We grew up together, and our parents are best friends," I explained to my new friend?

"And Luke this is Ashton. He uh- he helped me get away from James, earlier today in the alley," I pretend explained to Luke although he already knew it was bull shit.

Thankfully Luke played along and acted real concerned by asking question about the whole thing. Luke shot me a quick glance when Ashton wasn't looking. He raised his eyebrows and I gave him a look that said "I'll tell you later".

"It's raining really hard now. Mabyn we better head back to the building now," Luke suggested.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Thanks again for everything. I'll talk to you later," I turned to Ashton.

He looked confused when I told him that. I smirked as I walked out the door and watched him look at the napkin on the table with my number on it. A smile broke through his face and I saw him watch me walk away.

I thought of his crooked dimpled smile all the way home.

Ok so the chapters are short now but they'll keep getting longerrrr:)) Sorry this chapter wasn't the best but it'll get better I promise! ;)

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