High Tide | Chapter 4: Crazy Game of Poker

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It was a hazy New England morning, thick mist shrouding the entire shoreline. The ocean, what little you could see of it, was a dark, dull steel color. A perpetual drizzle fell from the gray sky. Ed and I had spent most of the morning making love; slow, unhurried, just savoring every moment. It was quite intense, in the best possible way.

I had finally dragged my sorry butt out of bed, pulling on a pair of yoga pants and a sports bra. Ed was still snuggled up under the covers, naked, watching me put away baskets of laundry.

"When's your birthday, Kenn?"

"Oh, you just missed it, I'm afraid. August 18th."

"I see...that explains some things," he said with a wink.

"Like?" I set a stack of jeans down on top of my dresser, crossing the room over to the bed.

"Well you're a Leo, then, aren't you? Confident, sexy Lioness...."

I smiled, cocking an eyebrow. "That's right Teddy, and don't you forget it." I pounced on the bed, straddling him, holding myself up on all fours.

"To be fair... I do have this," he said, pointing to the great lion on his chest. "Oh and this, too," fluffing his hair up.

"I'd say you're more of a lion cub, my dear," I teased.

"I resent that, love. Are you staying in bed with me now?"

I kissed him on the forehead. "No, Cubby, it's time for us BOTH to get up for the day."

"I've already gotten it up today, more than once actually –"

"Cheeky!" I cried, climbing back out of the bed.

He laughed, threw back the covers and tugged on his faded sweats, sans boxers. "I'm going to head home, babe, I've got laundry of my own to do."

"Okay, baby. I'll be over at the shelter later today, by the way." I set my little basket of clean socks on top of my dresser and started to pair them together.

Ed came up behind me, resting his head on my shoulder, his strong arms wrapping around me. "You have such a big heart, Kendra. I really love that about you." He kissed the back of my neck. "I'm going to work on some music later, I think. Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow, though?"

I spun around, turning to face him. "Oh, shit - I totally forgot. I actually will be down in Portland for the night tomorrow, I'm going to see my favorite band, O.A.R."

"They do 'Hey Girl', right?"

"Yes, that was probably their most mainstream single. Do you, like, want to come with me? I've only got one ticket but I could see if I could get another. They play a really fun show."

"I would go anywhere with you, love, that was a silly question. I'm in."

The sky was still lonely & gray, it didn't make for the most picturesque road trip. But the ruggedly handsome man in the passenger seat more than made up for it.

"I love this weather, it reminds me of home," he had said, shifting his weight in his seat so that he could rest his left hand on my thigh. He looked hot as hell, dressed in dark denim jeans, gray sneakers and a navy blue long-sleeved cotton thermal shirt, a subtle "V" dipping down in the front to expose a bit of cream colored skin. "Have you been to England?" He asked.

"Actually, no. I'm not super-well traveled. I tend to stick to tropical-beach-paradise destinations when I vacation."

"Oh, you don't know what you're missing. Endless gray skies in the English countryside! And THE BEST food. I can't wait to take you there."

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