High Tide | Chapter 2: Good Mornings

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Ed was snoring, just slightly, asleep on his back. I was tucked up into the crook of his arm, my hand laying lazily over his chest. I was still fully nude, vaguely aware that the flannel shirt and panties I had gone to bed in last night must be around here on the floor somewhere. I had been awake for maybe half an hour already, just watching the flames dance in the gas fireplace that Ed had lit for me last night. God, last night.

It was like I was drunk on the memories of last night, the scenes flashing by behind my eyelids with each blink. Ed, below me, hands on my hips. Tracing the edges of his tattoos. His voice, raspy, asking permission to unbutton my shirt. The way he had pulled me up into his lap, like he wanted me on full display..... Those delicious moments when I hung in the balance before coming completely undone in his hands.... Sigh.

I could see the soft glow of the sunrise around the edges of his blackout curtains. It was almost morning. I desperately needed the bathroom, so I untangled my limbs from Ed as carefully as I could, not wanting to disrupt his sleep. I crept over to the en suite, shutting the door softly behind me. I quickly took care of my needs; using the toilet, washing up, splashing some water on my face, and borrowing Ed's toothbrush once more to freshen up my breath.

I slipped out of bathroom, eyeing up the beautiful walk-in shower. It was all whites and grays, shiny stone lining the walls, the shower encased in glass. And a built in bench at the opposite end of all the jets and sprayers. Hmm, that's convenient. I picked up Ed's soft, blue flannel shirt from the floor below the bed and shrugged it on, pulling just one of the buttons together.

"I thought you had left me..," a sleepy Ed mumbled. Shit, I didn't hear him wake.

I strode over to the big, luxurious bed, slipping in between the crisp sheets next to him. "No, Teddy, I'm here." I reached down to smooth the loose tendrils over his forehead.

"Good." He rolled over onto his side and was snoring again in minutes.

I let out a deep breath. This was a lot to unpack, the events of the last couple of days. Ed, desolate and broken in front of me, confessing the same exact feelings that had been coursing through my nervous system for two weeks prior. It was like we were on the same wavelength.

Ed, asking me to take things slowly in one breath, and telling me he would only be here for six more weeks in the next.

His career - would it be the thing that held us together when it had ripped him apart so many times before? He would be the first man whose intentions I could trust since my world had flipped upside down those years ago. Did he feel the same way about me?

His body was absolutely just radiating heat. I peeled back the duvet, revealing his shoulder, arm, and chest. It caused him to stir, again, this time he kicked the rest of the blankets off himself. Holy shit.

I quickly kicked the duvet off of my legs as well, running my eyes up to his to see if he was still asleep. Yes, time for eye candy.

His thighs were beautiful, fuzzy golden hairs catching the glow of the sunrise peeking in around the curtains. The soft contour of his hips, that perfect belly, inked up to complete perfection. And oh. The fitted black boxers that currently left little to the imagination.

My center roared to life, a dull ache immediately taking up residency right in my lower belly. His cock was hard (Thank you, morning-wood-gods, for this beautiful offering.)

Ed was stirring again, stretching this way and that, his hand coming to rest directly on his package....

He blinked a few times, letting the room come into focus. I was an arms length away, facing him, my hands had somehow traveled over to rest on his waist, tracing over the little valley of that heavenly curve.

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