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Heya! Thank you for reading this story! This is my first story and I plan to make it a long one! I would love any constructive criticism that you folks can provide! I'm planning on there being a lemon in later chapters for Hisoka X Reader, but for now it will be fairly PG-13 (There will be swearing). Disclaimer: I do not own Hunter X Hunter or any of its characters. If there are any suggestions content wise let me know, but for now enjoy the story! I will write this story from a first person narrative as well!

Reminder!: (Y/N)= Your name, (H/C)= Hair color, (S/C)= Skin color, (E/C)= Eye color, (L/N)= Last name

Enjoy the story!


Life has been so lackluster recently. There's nothing that I can really do about it, though. Being a teen sucks. That's just a fact of life. Being exposed to so many coming of age stories about a young girl being special in some cool and powerful way has just made me underwhelmed with my own life. I'm boring. I don't even have any endearing character traits that would make me an interesting protagonist. That's why when my adventure started it was hard for me to believe it wasn't just a dream. Let me explain...

A couple months earlier~

"Shit," I groaned as I spilled some hot chocolate onto my shirt, "Oh well. At least I'm not going anywhere later." I have fallen into this routine of sorts lately where I stay home and pig out on junk food while watching anime. I am nowhere near someone that knows a lot about anime, for the most part I have only watched a couple of the mainstream series. Anime was more of a guilty pleasure for me. I set down my drink and opened my laptop, bringing up some anime I have been obsessed with.

"Gon is so adorable! I wish I could go on an adventure with them!" Hunting. Is that an adventure I would want to go on? Any adventure would work, as long as it was exciting and it was happening to me. I have been so bored for so long, only focusing on school and and work that I haven't been able to do anything exciting. I haven't had to face off against villains to save the people of Earth, or had a rich and handsome man show his affections towards me. I haven't had the chance to be tested against my fellow peers in terms of hero ability. The only thing I have done is study and learn about things that everyone around me already knows. 

My thoughts linger on this subject for a while longer, making me more frustrated as time goes by. "Damn it (Y/N), stop being such a self-absorbed prick. If you want adventure, go do something about it.

I'm pulled away from my discontented thoughts by the sound of a guitar coming from my computer. I look at the screen and see the clown character. "Oh shit," I think to myself, too embarrassed to say the following thought out loud, even to myself, "It's bae. Or fake bae." The character begins to speak and I feel my chest drop, "His voice is soooo sexy. Do I actually have the hots for a fictional character?" I continue to watch the show intently, analyzing the emotions I had just felt.

"YASS HISOKA! CUT. THAT. BITCH. THAT'S MY MAN!" I yell at the computer while he takes down the spinning sword guy in the tower. I loved rewatching the series to compare the characters at the beginning to the end. Hisoka is my favorite character. Shit. I think I've fallen in love with a sadistic murderous pedo clown that also happens to be fake. I promised myself I wouldn't fall in love with a fictional character! Well, I guess that promise is broken now. I get up and brush my teeth and get ready for bed. I lay in bed thinking of the fictional universe that I have become infatuated with. Gon and his puppy eyes, Killua and his familial issues, Leorio and his strive towards education, Kurapika and his goal of revenge and of Hisoka with his determination to defeat the powerful.

"I wish I could go on adventure of my own.~" I mumble as drift off to a peaceful slumber.


Author's Note: I know this chapter was kinda boring and short, but it's necessary. The next part gets more exciting! I swear! Please keep reading the story!

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