Willas Tyrell X Baratheon!Reader - Power

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On the far end was Varys, a man you were still unsure of. You had always questioned your father's decision to keep him around after he took the Throne from the last Targaryen King.

Beside him was Maester Pycelle, another man you had grown to dislike. He was old, incompetent, and perverse. He was the first on your list of people to replace.

Then came Oberyn Martell. You weren't sure whether he could be trusted yet, but he had been kind to you when he had come to King's Landing, before you had come to power.

And between yourself and Oberyn was your mother, who had a face like she had been sucking on a lemon. You knew her feelings towards a lot of your Small Council, and you also knew she would voice her opinions once you were in private.

On your other side was your grandfather and Hand of the Queen, Tywin Lannister. He was one of the only people you trusted on the Council to give completely impartial advice, and he would steer you to make the correct decisions in the long run.

Beside him was your uncle Jaime, your Master of War. After losing his hand he could no longer fight properly, but he knew the art of war better than anyone you had ever met and his knowledge would be useful to you.

Then came the Tyrell's. Olenna was the picture of modesty and respect, and she was one of the most powerful women in the Seven Kingdoms, topped only by yourself and your mother. And finally, her son Mace. A snivelling little man who would do anything you asked without question. Perhaps not the best advisor but a good follower.

"As this is my first meeting I think it would be beneficial if you lead the discussions, Grandfather, so that I can see what will be required of me in future. Do you agree?"

"If that is what you wish, Your Grace," he quickly answered before beginning his discussions.

You hated to admit you were distracted but you had been since breakfast. Your mother had seen it fit to inform you that you would need to choose yourself a husband soon, though you were far from convinced. There were plenty of men in King's Landing who were eligible, but none of them had truly caught your attention in a way that future husband should. There had been the suggestion that it could be Loras Tyrell since his sister's marriage into your family had been torn apart. Your grandfather had even suggested marrying you to a Frey or the Bolton boy to keep his newest allies happy, but you had told him no immediately, there was no way you could bond yourself to either family for life. "I'd rather marry a Stark than a Frey," you had growled at him across your mother, your glare fixed and unwavering as he nodded his understanding.

A throat clearing caught your attention and you quit your thinking turning to your grandfather with a sorry smile. "Lord Tyrell suggested that you be wed to his eldest son," he started and you turned your smile to Mace.

"I will not marry the man who was betrothed to my mother for the last few months," you started before the man let out a small chuckle, falling silent when you raised an eyebrow at him. "Is something funny, My Lord?"

"No, Your Grace. It's just that Loras is not my Eldest son, he's my youngest. Willas is my eldest, and most well-educated son," he told you, his voice uneasy as you watched him.

"I see," you began, straightening your spine and stretching as you lowered your eyes to the table. "I would have to meet with him before any arrangements were made."

"Of course, I'll send him a raven for him immediately, Your Grace," he spoke before getting to his feet and giving a deep bow at the end of the table.

"Thank you, Mace. I'm sorry for my manners. You're excused." He bowed again before hurrying for the door. "Are we finished?" you asked, turning just slightly to look at your grandfather.

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