IwaOi in College

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Imagine Oikawa always talking about Iwa-chan at university and all his team mates are like ''Whose this 'Iwa-chan'? She must be great if she caught your eye'' and they imagine a pretty squealing fangirl so theyre always pestering him about his 'girlfriend' and Iwa-chan pops up to visit unexpectedly at practice, calling Oikawa dumbass and Shittykawa. But Oikawa bursts into tears and pounces and Iwa-chan saying ''My Iwa-chan came to see me!!'' And everyone is in major shock that the 'cute, tsundere Iwa-chan' is a short, buff guy that insults his boyfriend as much as he breathes and they realise, Oikawa is the pretty, squealing fangirl.

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