The Island

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The rustling of the leaves blown by the wind had just awaken Blair. She had just woken up from a nap that felt as if it had lasted for days. As she was getting out of her slumber, she noticed her neck was aching. The pain was the type that one gets when they get a flu shot from the doctor. She looked around and wondered as to where she was. In the bright, windy weather, she saw trees and mounds of sand until she stumbled upon water. She tried to retrace her steps to see how she ended up on the land.
Questions were rolling out of her head, How long has she been here? How did she get here? What is this place? All she could remember before waking up was hanging out with her sister, Sophie."Oh no is Sophie okay?", she said to herself. She than proceeded to look for her sister. While searching for her sister, Blair's stomach growled for hunger. More questions occurred to Blair, What would she eat? Would she have to kill something? What if she eats something poisonous? Sophie found some berries and she would have to take the chance to see if it was poisonous, luckily she was safe.
A whole day spent in looking for Sophie was over. As night time fell Blair had to make a place to sleep. She managed to put a few leaves, but it wasn't as comfortable as her king size bed at home. Blair went from living in a huge mansion with waiters, to laying in the middle of nowhere on some poorly laid out leaves. What did I do to deserve these unfortunate events?, she thought.
Blair was unable to sleep at night, the few minutes she did get sleep she woke up with something tugging at her leg. She wondered, Was it an animal? Was it Sophie? She got up from her leaves and... bam! A bird had just attacked Blair. The bird had a note, which it carried around its neck. Blair took the note and  it read "We have Sophie, if you ever want to see her again you must complete this list of 10 tasks." The list had all sorts of random tasks like kill a bird with a rock, go on the highest cliff and get the red stone. Some tasks were dangerous and others seemed pointless. While trying to comprehend the tasks, Blair began to think about Sophie. Is Sophie okay? Who took her? What kind of psycho is making her do these stupid tasks just to find her sister?

First task, "Go to the highest cliff and find the brightest red rock." This one isn't as unusual as the other tasks, I can do anything for my sister, she thought to herself. As she was on top of the cliff she heard foot steps rustling in the leaves. She turned around and everything went black.                                 
Blair woke up with the same pain in her neck as she got before when she first approached the foreign land. Blair tried to stand up and stretch, while she attempted she soon realized she was unable to as her hands were cuffed to chains. She was in a dungeon of some sort, with bars like a jail. She began to scream for help, as she heard a whisper.
"Don't bother screaming, they will come to you when they are ready" said a voice from the cell next door.
"Who is they and where are we?" Blair asked.
The person laughed and said "You don't know where we are? Well we're in hell of course!"
"Wait, wait, wait am I dead?" Blair inquired in a panicked voice.
"Not quite yet, this place is worse than hell, one would wish to be dead than to be here," said the man next door.
"Why me?" questioned Blair.
"Silence" screamed a voice from the end of the dungeon, "yes, Mike's allegations are true about this place and then 10 times worse. You Blair, are special."
"Special?" questioned Blair.
"Enough chit chat, we must go" declared the man as he left. Another man came and proceeded to unlock Blair's chains.
"This place is definitely bad for the people who deserve to be here, but you my friend do not belong here," explained the man still unlocking the chains.
"I don't understand if I don't belong here, why am I here?" exclaimed Blair.
"You may not belong here, but your sister certainly does," explained the man.
"My sister, you know who she is? Where is she? Is Sophie okay? She couldn't belong in a place like this,  she is not evil," said Blair.
"All of these questions, my god. You think you know your sister, but obviously not if you say she isn't evil," said the man grinning.
Blair gets angry at the fake accusations the man indicates against her sister. Blair takes a pole which was lying on the ground and hits the man. She sprints her way out of the dungeon. Other men begin to chase Blair through the trees. Blair hears the snapping of the twigs and she looks up.
"Blair, Blair, Blair, where are you dosing off to today?" said her psychiatrist while snapping her fingers, now let's move on and focus on the next inkblot."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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