Bound To You

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"Jackson stop" my mother snapped as she rubbed her temples "I can't it's too much fun-wee" I said giggling as I spun around in the comfy spin-chair. She rolled her eyes glaring "Jackson! Albie is going to be here any second and I need you to shut up I have go to concentrate," she hissed "Ooh" I said puffing my cheeks out and crossing my eyes as I spun again. "JACKS-" "Hello Joy," a deep voice said chuckling. 

My mother's-or Satan's eyes widened as she stood up and smoothed out her black pencil skirt. Blegh, it was so last season. Oh dear God, the gayness....Yes, I Jackson Sean Henner am as queer as a queer can get. Just, no one knows. Don't get me wrong- I do plan to change that no one knows, just not anytime soon. My mother hates homosexuals. She's too much of a 'wonderful' *cough* *cough bitch* Catholic woman.

More like fucking Satan. 

"Jackson please excuse yourself and bring back some refreshments for Mr. Tate and I," my mother ordered "Yes your good sir," I said bowing and rolling my eyes "Jackson" my mother snapped. Albie the most gorgeous, luscious guy ever chuckled. I could feel my chest tighten and my pulse fasten. "Woman, you best check yourself" I said nodding my head walking out of the room. 

She glared daggers at me as I exited the conference room. As soon I closed the door I leaned against the wall taking deep breaths, I have no fucking idea what just happened but as soon as I laid eyes on Albie Tate in person I fell in love with him more. With his built up 6'2 figure and abs that are just about on every girl's phone wallpaper. And those eyes, damn those emerald green eyes are the prettiest I have ever seen - they were stunning, along with his pink perfect kissable lips. 

And the way he always puts his dirty blonde hair in a tousled mini Mohawk- I Honestly don't know if it's a Mohawk or not bottom line Albie Tate is the sexiest motherfucker ever. Sad thing is- he's as straight as a pole, not a gay pole- no, like a stripper pole. but not a gay one- what the hell ever. He''s straight. He donesn't like boys balls. 

I shook my head and muttered no-sense under mybreath as I walked to the breakroom to get water and other resfreshments. Speaking of refreshmenst I thought as I looked down at the bulge peaking through my jeans. I groaned naed ran a hand over my face and grabbed some water out of the fridge. I grabbed muffins, apples, oranges, grapes, and two bananas for my sake. 

I put all of the foods in a basket and carried down to my mother's conference room knocking on the door "Come in" my mother said in a fake pleasant voice, there's nothing pleasant about that bitch. "I have products" I said skipping in until an apple fell which caused my mother's to glare and Albie to chuckle "No worries" I said getting down and picking it up with my teeth. I smiled with the big red apple in my mouth as I set the basket down which caused my mother's face to go red and Albie to laugh softly.

I could feel my chest tighten even more and I felt bolts going through my body and my bulge getting as big as Texas. "Jackson," my mother snapped "Hmm," I said causing the apple to fall again. I could feel a blush cover my face. I quickly set the basket and water in between them as they sat across from each other.

"So as you were saying," Ablie said smiling and grinning. My mother cleared her throat "Yes, well there are two movies filming the same time but you can't do botch as one requires you to go to England for 6 months or stay here in California, now the movie in England could take less time but the director was sin a terrible accident so there bringing in his nephew who has never directed before in but here Willy Greene is directing the movie, but you must make a choice" she said smiling with false sweetness.

If only I could pop that infateble witch and watch her fly around the room.

I stared in awe at him as I stood up against the wall. He was just so amazing. "Well I think California is the best choice I'm not going to England for a rookie cunt" he said shaking his head my mother pursed her lips smiling. "Very good choice" she said.

"Now I believe you have invited me for dinner earlier with you and your son" he said diverting his eyes to me. I blushed scarlet red and it became even deeper when he winked at me. I felt my palms sweating, I'm going to marry him- even if I have to fucking drag him up the aisle kicking and screaming.

"Yes I'll give your driver the address to the restaurant that I cleared out just for Hollywood's hear throb" she said giggling. I felt my mouth fall open first because I JACKSON was having dinner with ALBIE TATE! But with my slutty mother, second because Satan herself GIGGLED. What forty year old 'giggles' like a Japanese person?!

I shook my head trying to get that annoying ass giggle out of my head. "Indeed perhaps you should do it now," he suggested-well more like an order. My mother smiled and stood up and bent over the long table an reached for a banana...oh God...

I looked in pure disgust s I saw my mom bite it and I then covered my junk. I got that banana so he would eat it and so that I ocud pretend it was my bannana. My mother then set it down and walked out shaking her ass.

But that's not what scared the hell out of me, what did though- is that I Jackson Henner am alone with America's sexiest, most famous guy ever Albie Tate.


Well hey there! Yeah ummm this is a new story and I would just love and absolutely appreciate feedback but there is a difference between feedback and being an asshole:)

But vote, comment, anf fan if your drunk enough


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