She sat down on the bed and layed back so that her head was resting on my stomach.

"You wanna do something? Im bored in this bitch"

"We can go to the mall" i played in her hair

"Bet. You gotta drive tho"

I laughed rolling my eyes. "Of course I do, you'd fuck around and kill us both"
Which was true, Ana couldn't drive for shit. She always got around with the swipe of her metro card back home while I was the one who learned to drive

"You right" she laughed "Matching?"

"Matching." I replied. No matter how old we got we always loved matching with each other just take cute ass pics together which always got us mad clout given our huge amount of Facebook, ig & tik tok followers

"Imma hop in the shower. Be ready when I get out okay?"

"Gotchu sis" she got up and headed out down the hall and I headed into my bathroom to take a shower and brush my hair. When I got out we decide on a simple outfit. A longsleeve button down maxi dress that hugged our bodies. Mine was nude and hers was white. We wore our hair straight down with a gucci scarf and Gucci slides to match

I grabbed my keys and waited for her in the car that my sister bought for us to share, only I would be doing all the driving. Speaking of my sister she left out of town this morning but she left us with plenty of money. She was real thick and made a lot of money stripping at one of the most known clubs out here. I didn't judge her for it, shit if I had ass like that I'd hit the pole too.

Again I got to over thinking as I always do. I'm a libra so you know I can't help it sis. But this time I wasn't thinking about what I was gonna do outside of New York but more of what I left there. Zyair. He not my man but he my man feel me? We been fucking with each other off and on for quite some time now but we never got around to making it official and I started to miss him. His kisses, just his hands wrapped around me. Then I got to remembering the shit he be doing which only got me tight and I caught an attitude. As much feelings as I got for him he caused me a lot of hurt in the time we've spent knowing each other. It wasn't out of the norm to catch him talking to some hoe or having people come to me with news of which hoe he been caught kicking it with. Always the same ones too. I guess that's what happens when you don't give up the cookie. It's not my fault I'm not ready. I couldn't even black on the nigga or get tight, cause he was never really mine so how could I blame him. I always wondered why I was never good enough for him or anybody really. I was deep in my thoughts till a loud tapping sound snatched me out of them. I look over to see Ana standing outside the passenger side door. She was tapping on the window

"What are you doing?" I was just looking at her like she's stupid

"Unlock the door dickhead" she said

Oh, that makes sense. I still rolled my eyes anyway and unlocked the shit so she can get her slow ass in.

"Damn it's all hot and shit outside and you got a nigga waiting in it" she flipped down the visor and checked her hair in the mirror as if she sweat it out that quick. She's so dramatic

That's the biggest difference between us. Our hair is usually how people tell us apart. Her hair is naturally bigger and a different curl pattern than mine is dyed a honey blonde color which I really don't think is that cute on her, but I let her rock. I just keep mine it's natural dark color. My curls too popping to damage.


I️ was flipping through some of the racks in this cute little store we found in the mall. It was cute & girly, definitely up my alley. Ana went off to pay for some shit she found and she's been up there at the register ever since talking to the cashier. I guess they sparked up a conversation somehow. She's so fucking friendly.

I continued to look around and ended up with a collection of items hanging on my arm. I was on my way up to the register when a cute little skirt caught my attention. It was mini and plaid like a little school girl skirt. I had to have It. I looked through the hangers until i found an extra small and then I️ headed for the register where Ana was still talking.

"Oh, this is my sister Giovanni. Gio, this is Melody, she's going to Beverly high too" Ana said as i placed my collection of things on the counter. I nodded at the girl.

"Oh twins, with matching names."
She leaned over the counter on her tippy toes "And outfits. How cute" she smiled as she went through the different items ringing them up.

Something about this girl seemed off to me. But she was really pretty tho. With curly hair, caramel brown skin and light brown eyes, almost hazel.

"Alrighty, that'll be $127.62" she said, i slid her my card.

"There's a party going on tonight, it's gonna be lit. You should totally come"

She handed me my bags without breaking her focus on Ana.

"Definitely, I'm down. I don't really know anyone since we just moved. It'd be dope to meet some new people before school starts"

"Well i have your number so I'll just text you the address. I'll be there around 8:30"

Wow these bitches exchanged numbers already, what are they bff's now or some shit?

"Bet, I'll see you then" Ana smile

"Nice meeting you" i said plainly

"Yup, See you later Ana" she smiled in my sister direction and went back to folding miscellaneous items by the counter. Bitch.

Me & Ana continued walking out the store and into the direction of the food court, stopping at different stores along the way collecting more and more bags.

I don't know who's idea It was giving us credit cards with no limits, but bitch I'm not complaining. I️ can get used to this shit.

By the time we got the food court i was exhausted and starving. I don't think i wanna go shopping ever again. Atleast not with Giovanna, her ass likes to stop in every single store "just in case she misses something". As if this girl doesn't have enough damn clothes. But anyway, I'm just glad my ass is finally getting something to eat

I ended up getting orange chicken and potstickers from Panda Express while Ana got a slice of pizza. I hate pizza.

We took a seat at a table in a more secluded area of the food court.

"What are you gonna wear tonight to that party?" I asked her while shoving a forkful of rice into my mouth. She had a bitch over here malnourished

"Shit i don't know, did you like that lil pink jumper i picked out?"

I took a second to think about which piece of clothing she was talking about.

"Oh, you mean the on that matches my white one?" She nodded.

"Yeah it's cute I️ guess."

"You didn't wanna match with me tonight?" Ana said sounding sad

"Well I found this really cute skirt, i figured I'd wear that"

"Oh..okay" she shrugged and looked down and instantly i felt kinda bad

"But you know... that jumper does make our asses look fat"
She looked up with a childish smile on our face

"We're gonna look so cute i promise, look you can wear the pink adidas and i wear the white ones and I️ know exactly how we can wear our hair and everything. Our pictures are gonna be so freaking cute Gio" she was talking so fast i swear this girl gets excited over anything.

I really did wanna wear that skirt but you know what, I'll save It for a better occasion. I mean, who at this party will i meet that's so special? I doubt I'll really even get along with these stuck up Cali kids.

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