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Dear Ex-best friend,
I'll always watch your stories. I'll always like your photos. I'll always read your tweets. I'll always think randomly of memories we had. Because once upon a time we were inseparable. There's always the "what if this didn't happened" or the "could have beens" but everything happens for a reason. I'll always watch our videos laughing uncontrollably or look at the pictures we took. And think about how much fun we used to have. Sometimes i miss you so much and the worst part is we walk part each other as if  we never met or never stayed up till 4 in the morning telling secrets and sharing a lot of inside jokes. I'll always. Thankyou for the best time I ever had. Now all I have left is memories that I'll never forget.
Your Ex-best friend.

I wish I could just make her see this

Quotes Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora