Chapter Two

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: ratman151

Hey guys and gals! So, the first chapter was posted, but sadly no-one commented. It's okay, though, since there were people who read it!

Crazy-Weird-And-Me and I have the first few chapters prewritten, so we'll be able to update frequently. Though, we have exams starting soon.

So, without further ado.... I give you Chapter TWO!

***And this chapter is dedicated to Ratman151 - you are awesome!***


Chapter Two:

        "Hey!" Alice yelled as she was bumped in to. Twice in 2 days. It had to be a sign. School was dangerous.

She looked up and heard an "I'm so sorry!" from a girl who was bending down to help pick up Alice's scattered books.

        "It’s okay." Alice said and bent down as well. When all her books were safely in her book bag, she smiled. "Hey, aren't you Scarlet?"

The girl's face flushed and she nodded, pushing her glasses up on her nose with a finger, "Uh-Uhm, yeah. You're A-Alice, right?" The girl stuttered, amber colored eyes wide.

        "Yeah, hey, I scarcely see you around. Where do you sit at lunch?" Alice asked curiously. She kind of liked this shy girl. It was a breath of fresh air to meet someone more interesting than a log.

Scarlet stared at the talkative girl in confusion. Why was she talking to me?

          "I-uh- I sit in the-in the library." She nervously played with the charms on her bag, rolling each one between her fingers.

Alice frowned. "No you don't."

Scarlet gave her an -are you crazy look- "Yes, I-"

          "No, you don't. You sit with me remember?" Alice asked, lifting an eyebrow. 

         "Uh, I think you have me co-confused wi-with someone else. I sit o-on my o-own in the library at lunch." Scarlet tipped her head to the side, her eyebrows drawn as she focused on Alice.

Alice's eyebrows knit together. "No, you don't. I specifically remember a Scarlet sitting with me at lunch. She has amber colored eyes. Wears glasses. Almost always has her hair in a braid and stutters now and then, but I have a feeling that would go away."

         "What? Are you su-sure? Maybe I-I have a-a doppelganger!" Scarlet exclaimed, her eyes larger than previous. Her lips pulled up at the sides, but then pulled back down again.

Alice rolled her eyes, still staring intently at the girl before her.

         "Look, I'm gonna break it down for you. Since you obviously doubt your own judgment. I want you to sit with me at lunch."

Scarlet started to say something, but Alice held up her finger. "And no, this isn't a pity request. I want you to sit with me because you are a hell of a lot more interesting than most of the bimbos at this school."

         "Uhm, thanks?" Scarlet sputtered, rolling her eyes. Wow! I rolled my eyes at someone!

"You're welcome, now come on! I'm hungry and want food!" Alice groaned, grabbing Scarlet's arm and dragging the girl down the hall and towards the eggshell-white double doors.

After both got their sustenance (aka. food and coke), they sat down at a table in the east corner of the cafeteria.

An awkward silence filled the air, coursing around the two girls - only to be broken by a long-sleeved covered arm being slung over Scarlet's shoulders. The girl jumped from the contact and shied away from the boy.

Did You Just Call Me "Mine"?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें