Pt. 2

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Part 2 (From Harry’s POV)

 The Next Morning

The sunshine peaked in through the curtains and onto my face. I squinted my eyes and moved my face into the shade and slowly began to sit up. I picked up the alarm clock on my bedside table to check thetime, 6:30 am. Maybe the other boys would be up and down in the kitchen by now.

I hopped up out of bed and threw on a pair of flannel pajama pants and rushed down the stairs. Once I arrived, I noticed only Liam was present. I grabbed an orange juice from the fridge and took the empty barstool next to him at the island.

“What’re you doing up so early, huh?” Liam asked me as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. “This is considered early?” I asked, still in a sleepy sort of state.

Liam let out a small chuckle and patted me softly on the back. “I’m just messing with you Harold. I just didn’t expect any of the other boys to get up till 8.” He admitted, taking a sip of coffee.

He stood up from his stool and walked over to where the toaster was placed. “Want some toast or coffee Harry?” he asked, his back still turned away from me. “Please. That’d be lovely.” I answered.

We stayed there in silence for a few moments, with the coffee machine and toaster being our only background noise. But I finally decided to break the silence. “Say Liam…what do you think of us having that “house-warming” party tonight?” I asked hesitantly.

He stopped everything that he was doing and turned to me, a mug in each hand. Returning back to the island, and handing me one of the mugs, he finally spoke up.

“What do you mean?” he asked quietly, returning back to the toaster. “Well last night at dinner when Niall and I brought it up, you didn’t seem very excited with the idea.” I admitted, taking a sip of my own coffee.

I knew he was trying to hide it, but I heard him sigh quietly, as if trying to think of a good response. “It’s not that I’m not excited. It’s just that…” he paused for a moment and stared off to figure out how to continue. “I’m a little worried because you aren’t allowed to legally drink yet Harry. Plus I don’t want to get in trouble in our first week in this new place.”

I understood what Liam was saying, but we had plenty of parties’ beforehand, so we were very experienced. Plus they never got out of hand, nor were the police ever involved. I placed my hand gently on his shoulder and gave him a soft, reassuring smile.

“It’s okay Liam. Trust me. Niall and I know what we’re doing. I pinky promise you right this second, we will cause no trouble.” I promised, and held out my pinky finger to him. He stared at it for a moment and locked his pinky with mine.

“You have to promise me one thing though.” I added quickly. “And what is that?” Liam asked me. “Promise me you’ll try and have a good time tonight. Chill and relax a bit, enjoy the party yourself.” I admitted, making eye contact with him.

He let out a sigh of frustration. “Alright, alright I promise I’ll try and enjoy myself.” He promised, taking a bite of toast. We unlinked our pinkies and went to town on our small breakfast.

About a half an hour later while Liam and I were just talking, the rest of the boys slowly made their way down the stairs, rubbing sleep out of their own eyes. They all slumped into the kitchen and took seats at the other side of the bar.

I made my way around the island and got right in between Louis and Zayn, who were leaning on their hands about to fall asleep. “Good morning Sunshines!” I half yelled, wrapping my arm around each of their shoulders. Each of them let out a tired groan and tried to push me away.

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