To Remnant

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Chapter one
(Picture is what he looks like. Blue eyes,pale white scales and red horns.)
Draco was currently in his bed listening to his favorite HeavyMetal band named ManoWar. Draco had just finished watching the latest episode of RWBY and he was pissed off.
Draco"How could they do that?! How could they of almost killed Weiss?!" Draco was pissed because of what Cinder did to Weiss made him mad. So he decided to sleep it off and wait for the next episode of the volume. As he went to sleep he started to fall asleep he saw a light and inside the light was a woman.
Draco"Who are you?" The woman then said"I am a goddess of the multiverse."
Draco"A goddess hu? I'm not really a religious person. But actually seeing one. Ma I really don't know. I still believe in evolution. But knowing that there is a multiverse is pretty awesome." The goddess smiled and said"It makes me happy that you accept that I am a goddess. And I am glad that there is a multiverse really fascinates you." The goddess then had a serious look on her face and said"Now down to business. I am here because of you." Draco was surprised by that and said"What do you mean?" Goddess"I am here to send you to a different planet." Draco"Which one?" The Goddess said"Why Remnant of course." Draco"Oh Remnant." After a second Draco then thought about what she said and then started to bounce up and down. Draco"Remnant?! YES,YES,YES,YEAH! This is the happiest day of my life!" The goddess could only smile and laugh at Draco's antics and said"I knew you would be happy this." Draco hugged her and said"Of course I am happy! Now I can see all of the amazing people that I only dreamed of meeting!" Draco let go and said"Now what?" Goddess"Well what will happen is that I will give you the Gammer semblance. This will allow you to treat yourself like a video game character. You will have a Heath-bar.Be able to not need to eat,sleep or drink. But you can still do those things if you want. You will have an ability called observe which will allow you to see what level a person is and what their status is. So what do you say." Draco"I say. Hell yes!" Goddess"But once you go you may never come back. Are you sure about that?" Draco thought about it for a minute and knew that his family would miss him so he said"Could you make an exact copy of me so that way my family wouldn't think I just ran off or something?" The goddess thought about it for a minute and said"Ok. I can do that. As soon as you leave for remnant an exact copy of you will take your place in this universe." Draco smiled and said"Thank my lady." The goddess said"Your welcome. Now it's time for you to go to Remnant. But before you do you need to pick a weapon and some armor. Oh and before I forget you will also have a main menu just like in video games. The way you summon it is by tapping your finger in the air. And to get rid of it is to swipe your screen away with the arm that you used to summon it." Then a holographic panel appeared in front of him with the names of different weapons to choose from. He picked the Katana and the sword materialized on the left side of his waist. When he saw the blade he was amazed at what he saw. It was the Muramasa sword from metal gear rising revageance. Then the screen changed to ask what armor he wanted. He could choose between light,medium or heavy armor. He thought for a minute and decided to go with light armor. Then the screen changed again so he could see what kind of light armor he wanted. When he saw the one he wanted he picked it and the screen disappeared. Then the light Dragonbone armor materialized on his body. Once he was done the goddess then asked him"When and where do you want to be sent to in Remnant?" Draco thought for a moment and said"To Vale a month before Ruby fought Roman so I can at least get some experience so I can help her." The goddess nodded and said"So be it." Then a bright light enfold him. Once the light was gone he saw that he was inside the forest next to vale.
Draco"Ok. Now it's time to see what I can do." He opened his main menu to see what was there.
(Friends list)
After Draco opened up his menu he looked at his friends list and it said that has no friends. Draco thought"Aw man. But I can always make some soon." Then he looked at his skills and saw that one of the abilities that is active is observe. Observe allows Draco to see the levels and status of the different people and enemies that he uses it on. Just like the Goddess told him. He then began to walk towards the city of vale to see if he could get some things before meeting Ruby. As Draco walked through the forest he came across three Beowulfs. He used observe on them and saw that they were only level five. Draco looked at his level and saw that it was six. Draco thought"Thank you karate lessons." (And yes I did take Karate lessons for a few years. Managed to get to the second degree yellow belt.) Draco drew his sword and charged at the evil beasts. He sliced the on that was closest to him in half right down the middle. The second one was charged at him and swiped its left arm at him. But Draco saw that coming from the corner of his left eye. Draco blocked it with his sheath and cut off the Grimm's head with his sword. The last Grimm charged at him at full force ready to eat his head. But Draco was ready. He put the sheath back on his left hip then while holding the Muramasa sword with both of his hands charged at the Grimm with all of his might. Once they were only two feet away from each other they started to swing their respective weapons at the other one. As the Grimm's claw came down on Draco it scratched his left eye gifting him with a three claw scratch that would leave a scar. But while Draco gained a new scar the Grimm lost its life. Draco's sword sliced right threw its hip cutting in half from the waist. Now while the three Grimm lie dead on the ground Draco wiped the sword of any blood that was on it and placed the sword into its sheath. Draco saw that he was bleeding but was happy to still have both of his eyes and said"Whelp looks like I got my first scar in Remnant." The a screen appeared in front of him and it said"Aura now active. Sorry." Draco looked at it with a you got to be kidding me face and decided to just drop it. Then another notification appeared and it said"smartphone now added to inventory with infinite life. And connected to earth's internet."
Draco"Great now I don't have to worry about forgetting anything about RWBY." He then decided to put a reminder on the phone to tell him when the events of RWBY would start. Then he put it away and said to himself"Let's get this over with." Now it was time for a month of training before the events of RWBY would start. So he got to it.

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