It all started with a hello

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It was early in the morning and today was the first day of grade 9. As I got up and got dressed I thought to myself that todays the day I start focusing on myself more and not caring so much about peoples opinions. 

~20min later I leave the house to go to school~.

As I walk into the class I notice that each desk has a name on it. I scale the classroom and find my seat. -Autumn, the desk says-

1 min later I see this boy with brown curly hair, tanned skin, green eyes, and a tall build up figure walk towards me. Instantly I got captured by his looks and gaze. 

"Hey you must be Autumn".

"YeP tHaTs Me". I say in a shaky, startled voice. 

He casually sits next to me and starts taking a note book out of his bag.

"So are you new to this school?". I say 

"Yeah I just transferred from willow creek high" he says as he examines me from head to toe.

I look at his desk and see that his name is Ace.

"My names Ace....Ace Jones" Ace says in a mysterious detective way.

"Nice to meet you Ace, Jones. You already know my name so no need for introductions".

"Oh!, but I don't know you're last name".

"Hmmm....Sorry my last name will remain a secret for now" I smirk and start to whisper as math class  begins.

Ace smirks back and turns to face the board. As do I 

I didn't know it then, but Ace ended up changing my whole perspective on life.


Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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