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The next morning I awaken to the sounds of growling and heavy thuds. Thuds that sound and most likely are paws hitting the floor. I jump up and run toward the other room. In the main room there's a big black wolf with his back to me and a smaller grey wolf growling and trying to get by the black wolf.

"What is going on out here?" I yell.

The black wolf turns its head to look at me. It no he has the most stunning blue eyes. There just so clear and blue. The eyes tell me right away its Josh. That and the fact he didn't immediately turn when he heard something behind him to protect his back.

"Josh, what...why...No...Ugh!" I say breathlessly.

The grey wolf lowers itself closer to the ground and growl more viciously. I narrow my eyes and take a quick step forward.

"I dare you to come at me wolf. I promise you I'm not as delicate as you think." I hiss.

It growls louder and then tenses. I watch its muscles tighten and spring back just as it jumps. I spin and land a solid kick to its hind legs knocking it down. I quickly get to a spot where I can grip its wind pipe and squeeze. It's immediately unable to breathe.

"Now Wolfie, are you going to behave?" I growl quietly in its ear.

It growls but doesn't try to fight me off. I look at Josh and he dips his big head like a nod. As I take in a deep breath I release my grip and step back.

The wolf rounds on me. Its yellow eyes burning with anger.

I smirk then whisper "Self defense classes come in handy."

It growls again then stalks to the door. That's when I hear the bone crunching noise that signals a change. I spin around and face away from Josh.

"You can turn around I had a pair of shorts right next to me." He says with a laugh.

I turn to face a very tan and muscular shirtless Josh. He has on a pair of black basketball shorts, no shirt or socks, or anything else.

"So, what was that about?" I ask quickly.

"That would have been Emmy. Emmy is a Beta female who doesn't like you being here. She thinks I've blown off the responsibility of marrying her for you instead." He shakes his head.

"That was a Beta? You need to train them more. Honestly I have had bucks put up more of a fight. She really sees little old human Poppy as a threat though? God, girls are stupid." I laugh and shake my head with an eye roll.

"Poppy, you kind of are a threat. You're a teenage girl hanging around her promised mate and you just kicked her butt. I'm sorry but that makes you a threat. Wolves don't like competition for what should be theirs."

"Promised mate? Sounds fair and just. Besides she made it too easy I could predict her moves based on the twitches in her hind legs."

"Our world is more complicated than yours Pop." He says quietly as he turns away.

"Explain then. Don't just expect me to understand it all Josh. I do come from a world where Love is it. There is no other option. You marry the one you love."

He smiles slightly. "Yeah the one you love. That's not always something wolves get. We can find our true mates but it's rare and hard. 7 billion people and there's probably 1 or so billion wolves. Shifting wolves or normal. We aren't as lucky. Besides so many of us fall for humans." He smiles and looks up. His eyes speaking volumes about how he feels. They show his desperation, anger, and sadness. "We mostly are put into promised mates. We are pretty much arranged to be married and mated. Sure it's not fair or just but it's what we have to do. We fall for those we can't have Poppy." He turns away again shaking his head.

"So just because you fall for a human doesn't mean you get your love. It's love though how can you just destroy that? How can you just let that slip through your fingers?" I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. "Josh you can't just give up on love. That's not healthy."

"Who said I gave up Poppy? I love a girl ok? But we come from different worlds. She never could love me not with this monster inside of me." He spins around fiery eyed and upset.

"Josh." I whisper as my heart breaks for him. I bite my lip and shake my head not finding the words or trusting my voice.

"It's what it is Poppy. Emmy is who I'll end up with I've accepted that by now." He turns away and walks to his room. "We'll go out and get you some clothes today right now I'm going to shower. Don't leave the apartment. Please just don't leave. It's for your own safety. There are a lot of people who feel like Emmy does about you being here." He shuts his door ending any further conversation between us.

I sink onto the floor trying to process what just happened. Emmy his fiancé and I fought and he was more worried about protecting me. He admitted loving a girl and has pretty much given up on her. Why? Because she comes from a different world, most likely mine. He also thinks he's a monster.

I let my head fall into my hands as I inhale a few deep breaths. The more time I spend here the more Josh and my relationship seems to change. Who knows if that will end up being a good thing.

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