Dream Shatterer Boss

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"You are asked to report to the front office, right now." blurted the machine kept on the table. Oh! How I wish I could grab a hockey stick and smash the thing."

I pressed the answer button.

"I will be there soon, Màm" I said out of courtesy (although not feeling like) and didn't take too long to nearly step on the HANG button.

I returned back to the conversation I was having with Abhishek.

"Why do you have to fight with me always? You think I am an idiot?" I said in rage.

"Do I have to mention this too. Of course, you have been behaving like one. When I leave for Mumbai now, I swear you are going to miss me" he said shattering my heart.

"Ahaan! Sorry sir, you are mistaken. I won't ever." I choked myself while saying this because deep down, I knew I would miss cuddling with him, playing with his hair, fighting with him for almost no reasons, spanking him, noticing his dark brown eyes (which he always says are black) and his concerned voice.

"You will realize" he said as he hung the phone.

"Huh! In your dreams" I said, knowing there was nobody to listen to on the other side.

We had been fighting a lot lately. He had to go for some work to Mumbai and so, I would be alone here in Delhi as my family did not live here.

I guess we should part ways. But I don't want to. Neither does he.

I called him back in rage.

"I hate you" I said as soon as he picked up the call and disconnected as early as possible.

Then, I switched off my phone and reached the glucose water bottle near the desktop.

As journalist, we need it more than an average individual. This week I was happy, boss had decided to give me off for 5 days from 23 to 27 January. So, I was going to lie around snugly at home and watch all the movies I haven't been able to.

Oh! Boss, yeah.

I head upstairs towards her office. My boss, as expected was not an old lady. She was barely 34 and had this ultra hot signature smirk. My colleagues drooled over her.

Well, apart from me only 198 other people out of the total work force of 1200 in my office are women (counting the witch I am going to meet right now).

Male Domination, you see.

Or maybe that the boss wanted only males in the office. I don't know why she didn't fire the remaining of her gender.

I reached her room to see her sitting on the movable chair (on which I swing around when nobody sees me) with her back towards me in the perfect BOSSY style.

I knocked on the door.

"Did you call me, bitch?" I wanted to say but obviously I didn't want the office to be more perverted and hence more I mean one more male at my place, so I finally placed the words as "Yes Màm, you called me?"

"Yes, Kriti Sharma" she said in her manly voice (the only defect she has and that is why they made her the boss I guess because her voice would've made the people never switch on their T.V sets again).

"I called you because I have some important work for you and we may have to cancel your holidays but you can have them the next weekend" she said devastating my dreams of a beautiful weekend.

"But I had a date with my boyfriend Màm" I lied and suddenly remembered that silly fight I had.

"Work or you lose the job" she said without a hint of pain.

Female jerk. Maybe she wanted another man in the office again.

"I will work" I responded mentally thinking that I have destroyed her dreams just like she had done mine.

But she wasn't even bothered.

"So what is it?" I smirked thinking I will have to interview the Prime Minister because 26 January was near and that is India's republic day.

"You have to interview an army man's wife" she said bluntly once again stabbing the knife at the same place.

"Do I have a choice?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"No. Get your fat ass ready." she said turning her chair towards me and handing me over the module.

"Why only this woman? Why not other army men?" I asked, I don't know why.

"Because this is the story of an unsung martyr. He is the Paramveer Chakra awardee this year." she said emphasising on the 'Awardee'.

"Ahem" was the only answer I could find for this grumpy jerk sitting right in front of me.

I started walking towards my cabin.

First, she just cancelled my holidays!

Second, she said she'd fire me!

Third, she gave me the job to interview an army personnel's wife!

Life is worthless, my friends.

Author's note

Hi, how have you guys been doing. I said this book is going to be very close to my heart and so it is.

I will make an excuse of a major Writer's Block now and won't update for long so that you beg me for updating the chapter. Hahaha #snake smile

How is the cover BTW? And did you like the first chapter?

If yes, then please vote, comment and fan. You have any other cover on your mind so make it and leave me one copy on sunidhim30@gmail.com

You get the credits and I get the cover.

Mutual benefit. :-)

I hope you like Kriti's character. She is a dumbo at times but she is soon going to realize what she is missing on.

Okay! enough for now.

Bubieeee chinky winks.


SUN :-)

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