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Like any day, I used my phone to completion while at work. On my way home, I was thinking about how I could make my phone's battery last longer. I got home and went to put my phone on the wireless charger.


No response.

These wireless chargers are always breaking, no wonder people never get them. 

I look around the house to try to possibly find a different charger, and I feel myself drawn to the closet.

I open up the closet door and see and small charger, maybe a foot long; right in the middle of the closet.

"I don't remember buying a charger like this." I say "Maybe it came with the phone.

I pick up the charger...

"The fuck?" This  charger has a face. What the hell? This definitely didn't come with the phone. Well, that's aside from the point, I've still gotta plug in my phone.

I'm now in my room and I plug the charger into the wall. I put the charger into my phone's port, and it starts charging.

My phone turns on. I hear a faint moan. What the hell? My phone just moaned, what is going on?

A face appears on my phone's screen.

"Ugh, ask a girl first." My phone says while looking at me.

"Siri?!" I say

"Uhh yeah, and if you want to talk, at least explain what this is in my ass."

"Oh, uhh, that's a charger, it keeps you alive. But I think it's a bigger question, you're ass?!

"Yeah, what else would it be?"

"So, also, what was that moan?"

"Well... Why don't you find out?"

"I will, after you're charged."

Charging... An Apple FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now