Elena stared at Holden in shock as she heard those words. "He has Izzie?" she asked not knowing that she had so much more.

"He has Jeremy too," Holden told her and Elena breathed out, feeling like their problems were a never ending ride.

"SO, WE EACH TAKE A DIFFERENT ENTRANCE; HIT THEM AT THE SAME TIME," Damon told Tyler and others his plan as they were all in the Lockwood Mansion.

Holden nodded his head, still worrying about Izzie a lot as Elena shot him a fearful look too. She wanted to take his hand to feel better but too many people were watching.

And when Elena got the courage to do so, Stefan entered the room. "Stefan!" the girl exclaimed before getting up from besides Holden and running to him.

"Where have you been?!" Holden asked angrily as Stefan reached his arm out towards his girlfriend as the two hugged.

"Coming up with a plan," Stefan answered bitterly and just then Holden saw why Damon was so obsessed with a thought that Stefan was hiding something.

Damon slapped his sides with his hands. "Yeah, we have a plan. The plan is I'm gonna rip Connor's heart out and I'm going to feed it to him," he sneered, thinking about Izzie. Man, he was worried. So worried he could've killed someone in the spot.

Holden had to agree with Damon, because he also felt sickly worried about his girl and others as well. "That's not a plan," Stefan argued instantly so Holden stood up and sighed deeply. "We need to be careful. Connor has Jeremy and Izzie, and who knows how many other hostages."

"Hence, the open heart surgery," Damon commented as his eyes got filled with the urge to rip Connor's head off.

Elena glanced at Damon as she bit her cheek. "Damon's right," she said and everyone looked at her, surprised to whose side she was taking. That left Holden weirded out again. "Connor's strong, but he's not going to be able to take all of us."

"I called in the hybrids to help too," Tyler added and then the blonde female vampire walked into the room before reaching her boyfriend.

"My mom put squad cars blocking the streets," Caroline told them, informing them more about the plan. "They're saying it's a faulty gas main. We're food to go."

Holden nodded her as Damon started moving. "Good, great. No cops, no witnesses, no reason to wait around," Damon mused but Stefan stopped him.

"All right, hold on, you're not all going," Stefan turned to look at the girls, who both gaped at him, especially Elena.

Tyler seethed at Stefan's thinking. "He shot me like nine times," he said angrily as Elena glanced at Holden, knowing that the hostages at the Grill were the closest to them. "If we're killing him, I want in."

"He's got Jeremy and Izzie, I'm going," Elena nodded her head at Stefan, who just stared at her blankly.

"Listen, nobody is going anywhere until I figure out what we're talking about," Stefan ordered them as Damon glared at Stefan incredulously.

"Until you figure it out?" Damon snapped. "Is that where you've been all morning? Out buying bossy pants?"

Holden turned to Stefan with an accusing look. "This guy is known for setting traps, right?" Stefan turned the conversation away from Damon's question. "We'd be pretty dumb to walk into one, especially if he has werewolf venom."

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