chapter 5: Don't research at night

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It was about 11:00 pm. I was supposed to be asleep by 9:00. I figured that it would not be good for my parents to find out about the gun and all, so I decided to research only at night. I tried looking up many things. Nothing ever came up though. Finally, it occurred to me to look up "john smith murder with 45 acp". It finally worked! I found an old article on the internet about a mysterious murderer, who would kill someone using that very gun I now had, and would leave the name John Smith at every crime scene. I saw some pictures. They looked disgusting. I was overjoyed that I had finally found a clue that could help me solve they mystery. Suddenly, I heard a tapping sound on my window. The contrast between the silence of the night, and the sound left me in utter horror. Then came a loud bang on the window! I was sure that my life was in danger. I was considering loading up the 45, but then I considered that everything in that gun could be a clue, and could be used as evidence of the killer. So I decided not to use the gun, and pulled out two of my pocket knives. I stepped outside, and looked at my window. There was no sign that anybody had ever been there. I was about to go back inside, when I noticed that there was a note on my window. It said," You should know by now that everything that goes wrong, happens in the dark. The next time you try to find out about me at night, you might become the victim instead." I was terrified. I walked back into my room, and said to myself," how did he know that I was researching right now?!?" I was so scared by that close encounter with the murderer, who was probably John Smith, that I stopped researching that whole night. I couldn't go to sleep either, so I just laid down in my bed and listened to the sound of the banging on my window go on, over and over in my head.

The Week of Finals: the unsolved mysteryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz