"Papillo meum"

Val widened her eyes in shock. Her heart beats fast and she couldn't digest who was in front of her. She was overwhelmed by too many emotions at once to react. The world or wherever she was, tuned out and she was only focused on the woman in front of her. A sob racked her body and tears welled up in her eyes and her heart swelled with joy and in the same time, pain. It was an unexplainable feeling. It couldn't be.

The woman was someone she wanted to meet all her life. It was her mother.

"M-mom?" She whimpered out. She sounded almost like a four year old who lost her parents in a grocery store.

Her mother smiled and took small gentle steps towards her daughter. She walked so gracefully it seemed like she was merely gliding through the tall green grass that danced with the wind and covered almost up to their ankles. Val slightly backed away frightened when the woman reached for her hands to hold.

Her knees were shaking and her body trembled, her breaths were short, heavy and shaky. It was her mother. Her actual mother right there in front of her. She died. How was Val seeing her now? Then Val's heart dropped when she realized she might be fading off to the world of the deceased. Her mother firmly grasped her hands giving them a tight squeeze.

"There is nothing to be afraid of my child. Everything's all right. You're fine. Well, here at least"

Val stared into the woman's eyes seeing her sincerity and happiness to see her. She had a hard time believing it and felt extremely overwhelmed like she was suddenly put under the weight of the Earth.

"I-It couldn't be. Is it really you?" Val whispered unbelievingly.

Her mother smiled.

"Yes it is my precious butterfly. I always waited for this moment. Now you're finally here. Your father cut it close last year" then she stopped, and dropped Val's hands refusing to meet her gaze turning it to the ground. Her mother sighed sadly and her eyes held regret. Val wondered what was wrong.

"Er.... What's wrong....M-mom?" Val slowly said hesitating on the word. She never addressed any woman as 'mom', 'mother', or 'mommy'. There was no one to address in such a way to begin with. Now she couldn't believe she actually gets to say the word. And to her very own mother.

Her mother, Rose Hart, smiled at her happily. As with Val, she had never gotten the chance to be called 'mom' by any child. Her heart swelled with happiness and pride. The beautiful spitting image standing in front of her was her daughter. But then she dropped her smile and had a regretful expression.

"Valentine dear, I'm so sorry" her mother suddenly apologized.

"For what Mom?" Val asked scrunching her eyebrows up in confusion.

"For not being there, for not being the mother I was supposed to be. For missing you growing into such a wonderful lady you are now. I missed it all! Your first steps. First words. I didn't get to teach you anything in life"

"Oh Mom. It's alright. I'm just glad to have finally met you. And you're wrong. You have taught me something. I read your journal that Dad kept all this time. You said 'Love is the fabric of life. It is the reason for everything. It is the joy. It is the pain. The laughter and the tears. The darkness and the light. No one should try to live without it. For humans are made to love and to be loved' And I lived on that Mom. My whole life"

Her mother cried tears of joy and Val didn't realize that she was too shedding a few tears. They didn't care. They were just so happy. Mother and daughter finally reunited. They both wiped their tears away a bit frustrated that the waterworks just wouldn't stop pouring, whatever they did.

Mr. Bad Boy and Miss Cordially Posh (Kingsman 2 Agent Tequila)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن