(1) There

745 39 18

This was it

Today is the day you began your work as an intern for one of the biggest production companies in the world, BigHit Entertainment.

You're dressed in your best business casual and you've got everything you needed to make your lasting impression.

When you leave your apartment and head down to get a taxi, you realize that it's raining so you rush back up and grab an umbrella.

As you make your way back down you notice that you're cutting it a bit close to being late so you decide that you had too much on the line and begin to jog to the edge of the sidewalk.

Frantically you raised your arms up and only after moments you managed to hail a cab.

With a sigh of relief, you reach for the handle

...but someone's hand was already on it.

Your brows furrowed in confusion and you instinctively pulled your hand away with a frown.

"Uhm. Excuse me I got this taxi first..." you start, looking up only to see glossy dark hair together with hints of the creamiest looking skin you've ever laid eyes on.

The man was so fair that he almost glowed and your frown deepened, sure that skin like his was actually illegal on a man.

It almost made you jealous of your own plain appearance.

Without being too obvious you take note of his good sense of style as well and then turn back to his face however his features were covered by his sunglasses and a black mask which covered almost the entirety of his face.

Yet even with all his features hidden, he emitted an air of confidence and assurance that was rare to find.

You felt your heart thud in excitement, though you couldn't really say why.

He carried himself almost as if he could have been every girl's dream of a charming, good looking, se-

"Hands off. I need this cab more than you right now, I'm running late. Grab another one." He says rudely.

-lfish jerk with no manners whatsoever.

Did you say dream? More like nightmare. What kind of overconfident jerk thought he could get away with an attitude like that.

You growl lowly and then look straight at his face, pleased when he stiffened in surprise at your sudden change of demeanor

You shot him a wicked smile "No you look here buddy, I'm running late so why don't you get your hands off because I got this taxi first." You argued with a falsely sugar sweet tone in your condescending words.

Unfortunately for you, he was just as stubborn. "I have no time to argue with you, just find another taxi. Look, I'll even pay for it." He muttered annoyedly and begins to hand you some cash but you, being the prideful human being you were, couldn't accept that.

"I don't want your damn money I want my taxi." You say petulantly while reaching for the handle once more.

The man's eyes narrow and before he could think over his actions, he instinctively nudged you away.

Not used to your new shoes however, you stumble and fall flat on your sleeves, ruining your new coat and you gasp, narrowing your eyes at the rude stranger.

He only shoots you a triumphant smirk, or what you imagined was one behind his mask, and proceeds to get into the taxi before rolling down the window.

"Guess you better change. I'd say I was sorry but you brought this onto yourself." He murmured with a shrug and before you could curse at him, he rolled the window up and told the driver where to go.

Perfectly Imperfectजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें