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He didn't have to be perfect

"I was fine before you came into my life! I didn't need to change!"

Imperfections meant that you were human

"Shut up Yoongi" You say calmly but your hands trembled slightly, betraying how you truly felt.

Something in your eyes made him pause and he knew that at that moment he had lost.

Everything in your unwavering gaze told him that you understood and that you weren't going to back down.

Even though he had done everything he could to push you away, you had still managed to break through every layer of his defense and now he felt the last bit of his resistance crumble down.

And that was the beauty of it.

"I don't do things halfway Y/N...but even though I want to be perfect, I know I'm not and that's not going to change...I'm just a man who makes mistakes, I never stop working and I lose my patience easily..." he admitted throatily, finding it difficult to hold his emotions back any longer.

You shot him a wry smile and squeezed his hands reassuringly.

"Nobody is ever perfect you silly man but I wouldn't have it any other way. Give me all that you are; the bad and the good. Give it all to me" you demanded with a whisper.


Min Yoongi was everything people expected him to be as a member of BTS: hardworking, determined, and a man full of passion for what he loved.

He worked with incomparable fervor and was meticulous about everything he produced.

However because of that he was never satisfied with anything that was less than flawless and in his journey towards perfection, he began to lose sense of who he really was and where he had come from.

The stoic man was slowly distancing himself from the people who he once kept close to his heart.

He reasoned that that was the price to pay for success and he would accept it, knowing that there had to be a sacrifice so that he could achieve his dream

That changes when a certain woman, one who was as stubborn as a mule, began her internship at BigHit and tore down every single wall and defense he had painstakingly built.

And it all started on a cold rainy day with one ruined coat and a stolen taxi


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BTS Famfiction: Yoongi

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