He sat down next to Hunk and liked his ice cream. No one talked, they were just enjoying the silence. Lance watched Katie type on her phone.

“Who you texting Katie?” Lance wiggled his eyebrows.

Katie didn’t glance up from her phone “Keith.”

“Oh. I didn’t know you two were that close.” Lance ate more of his ice cream.

“Yup, he’s actually a cool person, oh wait you wouldn’t know.” Katie placed her phone down and took a bite of her sunday.

“Katie! Stop.” Hunk glared at her for a second then looked at Shay. They were having a silent conversation with each other. Lance watched them, he didn’t know what they were saying but he admired how close they were. They were in perfect sync with each other and it was cool to watch them just know what they were saying.

After a minute or two of their silent conversation Shay looked at Lance and grabbed his free hand.

“Lance, I, well we need to talk to you.” Shay squeezed Lance’s hand tighter.

Lance looked down at their hands and felt a lump start to form in his throat. He looked up at Shay, “Alright.”

Shay took one more look at her boyfriend and looked back at Lance. “We want to discuss your attitude towards Keith.”

I figured as much. Lance opened his mouth to speak but no words came out so he gave all of them a small nodded, indicating that he was willing to listen.

Immediately he could see all of them become less tense and Shay released her death grip on his hand, but limply held his hand.

“Okay, so we know that you don’t like the fact that he is your soulmate, we understand that. And I’m not here to lecture you and tell you to accept him. We understand how it goes against your upbringing. However why have you been so hostile to him? Soulmate or not, you’ve never been mean to someone before.” Shay voice was soft yet firm, she was making sure she was getting her point across without angering Lance in any ways.

Lance thought about what Shay said and started to think. Okay so they aren’t here to yell at me for not accepting Keith as my soulmate, they just want me to be nicer to him. I can do that, right? Why haven’t I been nicer already. I’m pretty sure I got my point across that I didn’t want to be his soulmate but can’t I be his friend? We could be friends. But I don’t think my parents want that, or if Keith would even want that. Shit what did I do.

“Lance, you with us?” Hunk shook his shoulder a little bit and Lance snapped back into reality.

“Yeah, sorry I was thinking and I don’t know.” Lance bite into his cone.

“What do you mean ‘I don’t know’?” Hunk looked at Lance with confusion.

Lance looked at his best friend and gave a shrug. “I just don’t know if I could be his friend. He probably hates me.”

“Lance, Keith doesn’t hate you. He’s just giving you the space you need.” Katie looked at Lance and gave a small smile.

“Plus Lance it’s just a friendship, it’s not anything more.” Shay smiled warmly at Lance.

“But it could change into something more. We become friends and next thing I know I’m kissing him under the stars and running down the aisle as people throw flowers on us.” Lance closed his eyes in frustration.

“What’s so bad about that? You two would make a cute couple” Hunk gave a hearty laugh and Lance opened his eyes in disbelief. He turned to his friend and looked at him weirdly.

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