Drinks with Jamie

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Delilah's POV

-10:26 PM-


My phone lights up on the coffee table. I grab my phone carefully so I don't wake Princess up.

'Jamie 😍'

Do not judge me for the heart eyes he's HOT!

I slide the unlock button to the right and Jamie's text pops up.

'A couple people I work with are grabbing drinks, wanna join?'

Hell yeah I do!

'Yeah sure.'

'Great, I'll pick you up in 10.'

I lock my phone and go get ready

I put on a pink and black Victoria secret shirt, a pair of black leggings, and a pair of grey socks with white stripes

I put my ankle holster on and put my gun in the holster.

I then put my tall tan UGG  boots. I grab a pair of black rose earrings and put them in

*Knock Knock*

"It's open, Jamie!" I yell as I grab a watch off my dresser.

I hear the door close and footsteps.

I put the watch on my wrist and begin adjusting it.

"Who's Jamie?" An alarmingly familiar voice asks causing me to jump.

"Justin, what are you doing here? And how do you know where I live?" I ask.

"I'll ask again, who's Jamie?" Justin says as he begins walking towards me.

"He's a f-f-friend. He's a friend." I stutter as I back away from him and into a wall.

"You left Rochester without telling me; your husband and now you're hanging out with some guy." Justin says now inches from my face.

"Ex husband." I say correcting him and his flies up to my throat as if it were an instinct.

"Let...go.." I say breathlessly as he squeezes my throat tighter.

"You whore!" Justin yells as he pulls my head away from the wall and smashes my head into it.

"POLICE! Let her go!" Jamie demands from behind Justin.

Justin releases me and I double over and begin gasping for air.

Jamie has his gun pointed at Justin

"Officer there's no problem here, just having a disagreement with my wife." Justin try's to explain.

"Jamie, it's fine my ex husband was just leaving." I say as I rub my now sore neck.

"I'll be back, Delilah." Justin says before leaving.

Jamie holsters his gun as he hurries over to me.

"You okay?" Jamie asks.

"I need a drink even more now." I joke.

"Well, come on." Jamie says with a smile.

I grab my shield of the dresser and drop it in my purse.

*1 Hour Later*

Jamie and I made up this game where each of us get to ask the other a question and the other person either answers the question or drinks. Pleading the fifth of sorts.

"Are you still married?" Jamie asks catching me off guard.

"My divorce was finalized last year, Justin just won't let it go." I state.

"And you put up with him?" Jamie asks before taking a swig out of his beer.

"I've put up with him since I was seventeen." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"When we were younger he was a gentlemen. It wasn't until after we got married that I saw who he really was and by then I had myself convinced that he was the best I was gonna get." I say.

"Do you still think that?" Jamie asks before taking a swig out of his beer.

"No, but I do know that I feel less alone now then I did throughout six years of marriage." I explain.

"EVERBODY ON THE GROUND!" Two men yell as they burst into the bar pointing guns at everyone.

One man has black hair and the other has blonde hair.

Jamie and I hop out of our seats and duck under the bar.

"You got your gun?" Jamie asks as he pulls his gun out of his hip holster.

"Never leave home without it." I say as I pull the gun out of my ankle holster.

"Put the money in the bag!" The black haired man says.

"Ready?" Jamie asks.

"Let's do this." I reply.

"POLICE DON'T MOVE!" Jamie and I shout in unison.

"Shit!" The blonde man says.

"Drop your weapons!" I demand.

The blonde haired guy begins to fidget and the black haired guy scratches his head with the gun as if he's thinking my demand over.

"No." The black haired guy says before pointing his gun at me.

I squeeze the trigger on my gun.


I hit him in the right shoulder.

"Call a bus, Jamie." I say as I put pressure on his gun shot wound.

*1 Hour Later*

The man I shot was sent to Bellevue Hospital and he's gonna make it. The other guy was arrested and taken to central booking.

"Good job, officer Reagan." A sergeant says.

"You too, Detective." The sergeant says.

"Just doing our job, sir." I say.

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