chapter ten

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Saige's pov
I laid in bed restless. I turned over to see gelo fast asleep. I know he was tired from the late night training he had been doing so I decided to get up. But his arm was wrapped strongly around my waist. "Gelo" i whispered. But he didn't answer. I rolled my eyes pinching his arm but he only turned on his back still sleeping.

"Gelo!!" I screamed. He jumped up "huh? What?!" He yelled. I laughed to myself as his wild green eyes danced around the room. He sucked his teeth. "It's funny right" he said. "I'm sorry I just wasn't tired and you was sleeping and i was bored"

"You could've just made me breakfast like a good wife should" he mumbled. Holup! Did this nigga just assume the fucking job of my gender.  I looked at gelo like he has grown three extra heads.

"I know damn well you ain't just say that" I said crossing my arms. "Shit that came out wrong" he said rubbing his hands over his face and grabbing my arm. "Bitch let go off me before I go mortal Kombat on your ass" I said. "Nah cuz you gonna wake up the whole house and make a scene" he groaned. "Nigga I'm counting down from ten" I said.

"10...9...8..." I began then he let go. "Smart choice" I said. I went downstairs. "GET Y'ALL ASSES UP" I yelled. Lonzo, Melo, lavar, Tina, and my dad came downstairs.

"Honey what are you doing?" Chris said wiping sleep out his eyes. "I'm fessed up. This nigga Gelo telling me that women are suppose to cook for men as if it's our natural born job" I said.

"Ohhhhh Gelo you done messed up" lonzo said. "Now before I accidentally kill ya son and end up on channel 2 news. Lavar pleae set his god damn mind straight"

"Now son you gotta  mind your mouth. Always agree with the woman to get yourself out of trouble. And don't be saying nothing offensive" he said.

"But who gonna be doing the cleaning. Not me!!" He continued. "Bitch it ain't gonna be me either. And you say cleaning like me live in the same god damn household" I said.

My dad came and hugged me. "Ight princess relax" he said hugging me. "Nah cuz I would kill him for the bias shit coming out his mouth" I said. Melo laughed. "Something funny?" I asked. His eyes widened. "Um no! " He said moving from me.

"I'm going to get dressed and when I come back this ain't over" I said going upstairs to the shower.

I let the warm water settle the nerves I had gained from the feud with gelo. I felt someone behind me. "Gelo go away. " I said. "No. I love you and I hate seeing you stressing over me. I know what I said is wrong espeipcially because the fight you put up for this country because you are a woman"

I let him continue. "Look at me" he said. I turned around. He caressed my cheek. "I am so sorry. I was focused on my sleep and i was cranky" He said licking his lips. I blushed looking down. "You are so beautiful" he said. "Stopp" I whined. "Let's save water " he winked. I bit my lip. "Okay"


After Gelo and our steamy shower session I was dressed and we came downstairs hand in hand. "Hmm looks like someone got set straight in the shower" lonzo said pretending to read his magazine. I laughed. "Ain't y'all got places to be" I said. Lamelo rolled his eyes "I gotta go sniff out my hoes" he said giving us a peace sign and leaving. "Yikes what hoes" I said and we all laughed.

"Daddy!!" I yelled. "Yes?" Both Chris and gelo said. I blushed. "I was talking to my dad" I said. "Oh well carry on" gelo said chuckling. "Um can we go to the dance studio today and finish up pills and automobiles" I asked. His eyes lit up. He was always excited when I was involved in his work.

"Ok but beware ttyga gonna be there" he said. Tyga always been hitting on me. He was cute I wasn't gonna lie but he had just got out a relationship with kylie, and blac Chyna. Plus he had King Cairo and he wanted me. Like I had gelo. This man just didn't know when far was too far.

"I'll bring gelo then" I said to my dad. He nodded. I took in gelo's outfit he looked like a whole snack. I put him in my snap with the caption 'my man look better than yours 🤤'

When we got in the car gelo  smiled at me. I saw my dad busy looking at traffic and he had no mirror to look back at us because well when I was younger and I first met him I broke it.


"So the famous busy Chris Brown managed to have sex with my mother and make me" I said bluntly.

Chris's eyes widened "god damn it your bold" he said.  "Figures"

"Listen little girl I didn't know that your mother was pregnant and she had a daughter. So don't come here giving me your attitude"
I  rolled my eyes.

"Don't tell me what to do you haven't been here to have that power!" I yelled kicking the mirror. His eyes widened due to my damage. "You l-

"End of flashback*


"Your dad not looking" liangelo whispered forgetting that my grandma was in the car. "Chris! We needa stop at Walgreen to get my prescription" she said.  She winked at me.

"Alright ma we here" he said. "Boy don't do that. You best hop out the car and help your mama" she said ushering him out. Once they were inside the store. Gelo smirked at me. "You love me right?" He asked. I nodded. And he pulled me close. "So trust me" he whispered.

Then whatever happened in that car was filled with lust and passion.

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