“Can I go with her? I want to make sure she’s safe.”

“Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth,” Hades scolded. “You must have forgotten your other children. They need you too, you know.”


“I was there when they passed away, Elizabeth. I made sure they were taken care of in the Sanctuary. They will be pleased to see you.” He informed her. He knew that when she almost died and came back to life, she wouldn’t be able to have any more children.

“You mean . . .” Elizabeth’s heart fluttered with hope. She could be reunited with her children. All four of them were safe and alive in a better place. That’s all she hoped for. She closed her eyes as tears began to form. “I can see them again.”

Hades wanted to pass along a happy thought with her death on the horizon. Now she had something to look forward to. It was the least he could do for the mother of his soon-to-be bride. “Yes, you can.”

Still, she wanted to make sure that Alessandra was taken care of. “How will you collect her? Will it hurt?" 

"As I’ve stated before, I would never harm her. Collecting a soul doesn’t hurt.”

She was fearful for her daughter more than herself and she knew that with Hades standing before her that meant the time had come and she failed to find other means of fixing Alessandra. She ran out of time and Alessandra would pay for it. Though she knew Hades meant no harm to her child, it didn’t make her any less concerned.

"So, I’m going to die and be reunited with my kids. Perhaps this is what I’ve longed for.” She chuckled to herself at the thought. Maybe dying wasn’t so bad. It didn’t make her fear it any less, and that fact didn’t make her stronger towards the idea but still the inevitable was here.

Hades would never tell her, but he admired the Queen. She’d made a bargained and kept up her end of the deal and with it she was able to raise and care for the woman he would come back to take. Shuffling outside of her bedroom could be heard, and Hades knew he had to make his exit.

"Your time has come, Queen Elizabeth Rousse. It has been a pleasure." He said.

A knock came at the door that’d startled Elizabeth. She had a newfound outlook on her fate and an even better anticipation of finally meeting her children. “I hope you don’t expect me to say thank you—”

Before she could finish her statement, Hades was already gone.

"Your Grace, we were sent to escort you to the council."

"Of course." She nodded. She’d already switched her clothes before Thomas came to visit her and she wore something more regal, but still black. “I’m ready.”

Lady Priscilla had paced the dungeon cellar, fretting over what could be happening now that she had lost everything and for what? A mistress. She’d given her innocence to the King and expected to be the King’s exclusive Mistress and hopeful bear him more children, but no, he had to go to that wench Lucille. She’d been happy to dispose of her the morning the King was found dead. Priscilla was so saddened that her chances had been obliterated when he died. Only a select few knew of Lucille’s pregnancy, but she didn’t think they’d care.

And she never expected her father to be so cruel. He was the one who encouraged her to keep the King company. How could he act like what she did was so bad?

The door to her cell had finally opened and Priscilla looked up to see her father walk in. He’d changed into fresh clothes this time, and he carried a tray of food and water for his daughter. “You’ve put me in a tight situation.”

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