Chapter 14

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"What is going on?" Taehyung asked after they had gotten Jimin onto the sofa. Yoongi sobbed quietly into his palm while Jin had an arm around his shoulders, "You both obviously know something but aren't telling us what it is"

Hoseok drew in a shaky breath. He didn't want to do this. He didn't want to have to tell his friends, the people he loved most in the entire world, that one of their own was dying. He glanced at the youngest in their group and saw that his eyes were squeezed shut. Somehow, he couldn't bring himself to blame the boy. None of this was anyone's fault, and Jungkook didn't know what would happen when he rejected it. It only took that split second of denial from the boy, after he had realized he had been marked, for this whole thing to begin. Jungkook was not to blame. Nobody was.

Hoseok look at his Mate and Yoongi looked back. Hoseok nodded slowly and saw the realization in his Mate's eyes, he heard the whispered, "Oh god..."

He took one last look at his Mate before turning to address the rest of the group, "W-when a Human is mated by a Vampire, and the Human rejects that mating, for whatever reason, bad things w-will happen to said Vampire..."

Hoseok took one last deep breath before continuing, "Everyone...Jimin is dying"

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