With each story Teddy told the initially tense atmosphere became more and more relaxed at it became clear they would hear about horrible abusive incidents. Then again there were of cause those who looked rather disappointed to be betrayed of the scandal.

"Teddy, did Eric made you do something you didn't like?" Kang was slowly stopping to handle him with kid gloves.

Teddy frowned and began fidgeting in his chair before he answered in a low voice: "He makes me eat the vegetables." It was obvious he didn't hear the light laughter from the spectators when he then continued agitated his voice slightly raised: "But there are not that bad! And my friend told me his mother does also force him to eat them!"

Mia, who had been allowed to sit next to Teddy, but was not permitted to say anything, wanted to reassure him in some way. So she reached for his hand in a calm movement and gave it a light squeeze. She was proud how Teddy had managed so far.

"Teddy, did Eric did ever did something to you that hurt you?"

Mia saw Teddy shaking his head before he suddenly stiffened, only to then deny the question. Of cause every Candor – everyone in the court room to be honest - could easily pick up on the fact that Teddy was hiding something. What could have happened? Mia wondered. She was certain Eric had never physically harmed his son.

Kang reprimanded: "Teddy, you have to tell us the truth."

Suddenly the whole courtroom had become quite. Mia could hear some of them wriggle about their chair were other were leaning forward, eager not to miss anything as now finally it appeared the truth may come to light.

Suddenly Teddy sprang to his feet bursting out: "He didn't mean to! He said he was sorry!"

Though he had tears in his eyes, the little guy looked at Kang with a glare that would had made his adoptive father proud.

"Teddy, we are all here to help you." Kang tried anew but Teddy had enough and cried:

"No! You want to take me away! You not helping!"

"Teddy, tell us what Eric did and then we can decide if you will be staying with him."


"Why, what?"

"Why do you decide? I want Eric!"

Not caring about the regulations at court Mia stood up and scooped Teddy into her arms. Tears were streaming down his face. It angered Mia that everybody was gawking at them as much as she did her best to shield the little boy with her body.

"Where's Eric, Mia?" She heard him whispering in between sobs. "He promised he fight for me. He promised!"

"Oh Teddy, never doubt Eric. He loves you very much. Remember, we talked about this. He will be questioned after you answered all their questions. He is not allowed to see you before. If he would try it would make things worse. But don't be afraid Teddy, just tell them what happened. If you have forgiven him it can't be that bad."

Mia continued to bounce Teddy up and down a little bit in her arms until he had calmed down.

"You ready?"

Teddy nodded his head determined and struggled a little bit in her arms, showing he wanted to be let down and continue his testimony.

Once he was seated Kang ordered the audience to be quite and addressed Teddy once more:

"Teddy, please tell us what happened."

"I made him a sculpa and it was a bird and he didn't know and so he pulled all the feathers out." Teddy finally came out, his voice low. His face contorted like he was in pain showing how upset he was about spilling something like that. It must felt like a betrayal for him. Mia almost smiled – it was obvious how much Teddy loved his adoptive father already. So she wasn't surprised at all when the little guy once again went on a rampage to defend Eric, telling them how Eric couldn't have known since he had never been allowed to build some himself but that he was now teaching him.

"Thank you Teddy, for your honesty." Kang intercepted the boys rambling as soon as he had to pause for air. "You're quite right. That was an honest mistake."

Mia saw Teddy relaxing at this statement, only to go completely stiff again at the next question:

"Teddy, did Eric ever hit you or threatened you?"

Of cause Mia knew that Kang had to ask these questions, buts he doubted that it would be any good if Teddy would indeed have indeed mistreated or abused to do this in front of an audience. Teddy definitely didn't took to it well and now looked thunderous as defended Eric once again:

"No!" He responded resentful. "He would never do that! I told you! He is not mean! He is the best!"

Teddy turned to Mia and whispered: "Mia, I don't like them. Can't you make them stop?"

She wanted to hug him right then and there agreeing with his sentiment. Before she could say anything she heard Kang pronouncing the questioning to be over to the audience. Then he addressed Teddy, his voice gentle.

"Teddy I thank you for your candor. I'm sorry to have upset you but I needed to ask you those questions."

Teddy was on his feet in an instant and smiled broadly. "So, I can go home? With Eric? Where is Eric?"

"I'm sorry Teddy, but..." That was all he was able to say because the upset little boy exclaimed:

"What? Why are you sorry? Are you taking him away? Why? You said it was a just a mistake! You said so! I want Eric!"

Hearing the desperate outburst Mia felt her heart constricting. Whoever was behind this trial had done so much damage already! However she couldn't effort to get lost in her anger. She had to find a way to reassure Teddy and calm him down. Disregarding Kang and every other person in the room she focused solely on Teddy as she scooped him in her arms to explain things herself yet Teddy was done and began screaming for Eric louder and louder, and more and more desperate, while clinging to her. His whole body was shaking and contorting in sobs.

In between Kang wanting her attention, Teddy pleas and her mumbling southing word to him Mia noticed people running around pointing at them and arguing with each other. Then she heard splintering wood.


AN Now, if you like this chapter just move your and a tiny little bit.... reached the star? Now just a gente tap with your finger - done. You just made an author verry happy and pleased with the word. :D

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