Chapter 14: Escaping HQ

Start from the beginning

“I agree completely. See, thing is, they were stolen from, and they tried to take it back.”

“Okay. What is it they tried to take, hmm?”

“Nobody ever told me specifically what it was, just that it was theirs.”

“You trust your sources?”

“Yeah, and you should too. I work with good people.”

“Well from what I've seen so far, they don't seem too friendly.”

“Whatever. Point is, you did something bad, and you need to fix it.”

“Except for the fact that we haven't formally established I have actually done anything bad. All you've got is that they tried to take what was theirs, yet you have no idea what it is they tried to take. Your informers could've lied to you for all you know.”

“They have no reason to. I am completely loyal to them.”

“All the more reason to lie. You never question them, never doubt them. As unbelievable as that sounds, I guess I'll buy it. They would say anything to you so that you don't tell us anything they don't want us to know. Or hey, maybe they do it just because they can.”


“It never is.” Spencer suddenly sprouted small claws from his wrists and ankles, slicing his leather restraints. He then punched Dominic in the face, knocking him out.

   He ran out into the hallway to search for his friends. He went back to the double doors and found Runt in a padded cell, sleeping. He opened the door and picked him up. Runt opened his eyes slowly and moaned. Spencer put his arms around his neck and walked out to look for Marcy and Skylar. Another group of guards appeared around the corner and began shooting at Spencer, who ducked behind a corner, but not before crashing to the floor because one of the bullets had hit him in the back. He began pressing himself against the wall to relieve the pain before realizing Runt had disappeared. He heard yelling and screaming, and then peeked around the corner to see all of the guards collapsed on the floor unconscious, with Runt in his red-eyed rage before them. Runt looked back at Spencer before trotting off down the corridor. Spencer followed him and he was led to a round, red door. It was locked, so concentrating his efforts, he brought his hand backwards before pushing it forward in a massive blow that put a dent into the metal of the door. He repeated the process a few more times before deciding to slice it open with his claws, Wolverine style. He went in and found Marcy and Skylar, overjoyed and grateful for his help. They hugged, then turned around to exit when more guards showed up, with an angry looking Dominic in their midst.

“How many of these guys do you have?!”

“You don't want to know, truly. Now then, surrender yourselves to our care, or I shall be forced to use more... drastic measures.” Dominic threatened.

“Like what?”

“Exactly.., like this!” Dominic held out a large metal claw on a pole, flexing the clamps a couple times. “I'd prefer you come willingly, as it'd show some improvement on your condition, though I have a feeling you won't. Still, the choice is yours.”

“Okay, I choose this!” He abruptly grew in size and hardened his back, then hugged Marcy and Skylar, using his body as a shield for them.

“Huh? I'm surprised I could do that.”

“How so?” Marcy asked.

“I got shot in the back before. I don't feel any pain there anymore.”

“Maybe you just healed really fast.” Skylar suggested.

“Hmm... just like Wolverine. Cool. Hey, Dominic!”


“Want to see something awesome?”

“Probably not.”

“Too bad!” Spencer hardened his front side, turned around, and charged. Darts bouncing harmlessly off his skin, he slammed into Dominic and his numerous guards.

“Let's go!” Spencer led his friends down the corridor and out of the building. Marcy led them to their aircraft, and upon arrival, Spencer fainted and went back to normal.

“He must be exhausted from his transformations”, Marcy noted, “help me get him inside.”

“Okay.” They hauled him into the vehicle, got in, and lifted off, setting off back to France.

• • • • •

Dominic woke up in a bed, a man sitting down in a chair next to him. He sat up on his cot and looked at the man.

“He's learning.”

“Seems so. Shall I call the boss?”

“I will.” The man handed Dominic a phone and he dialed. After a moment, a voice came through.

“What is the progress?”

“Your target has shown signs of improvement. He can now transform at will, though I suspect it was not an easy task.”

“Perhaps not this time. Also, he's not really my target. Call him my... rival. My competitor. Soon enough he shall be a match for me. I continue to grow stronger. When the time is right, I want nothing more than to meet him and have a little sparring match, just he and I. Gather allies and build up your strength. Call up the others. They can help. Soon this will all be over, though the journey itself will be just as glorious as the destination.”

“I understand. I'm sure he'll pay for what he's done and what he will do.”

“That's the least of your concerns, but they are concerns nonetheless, I suppose. Yes, Dom, he will pay.” The voice hung up and Dom turned to the man.

“Gather our friends, Benedict. Time to begin this war.”

“A'ight, will do.”

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