Chapter 7

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Jenar and Koti caught up with Faro and Gabe shortly after their life signs faded from the screen of the Genii's tracker. Blood covered the forest floor under Gabe's body from the gaping wounds in his neck, and Faro also lay with sightless eyes, his skull crushed from a tremendous blow to the temple.

"You think Sheppard did this?" Koti asked, closing Faro's eyes.

Jenar snorted. "Of course, it was Sheppard. Find his tracks. He must be close."

They observed the scene carefully. It appeared the fight had taken some minutes, and it wasn't just the two soldiers who had suffered wounds. They found a blood trail leading away from the bodies which soon disappeared. Search as they might, they could not find the pilot. It was as if he had vanished entirely.

It was pleasantly warm, and the sharp ache in his side had dulled, stilled by the comforting cocoon that covered him. Sheppard lay still for a long time, slowly becoming aware of sounds and smells as he enjoyed the warmth. Despite the comfort, he felt tired, hungry and sore, and the hunger eventually drove him to open his eyes, taking in his surroundings.

He was lying on a low mattress covered in furs situated next to a crackling fireplace. The room he was in was bright and airy, with a low mud ceiling from which hung various dried spices and herbs. The sharp but pleasant smell of unfamiliar food wafted through the room, making his stomach growl ferociously. He could feel unfamiliar cloth covering his body and saw he was wearing a rough, long sleeved shirt and guessed the pants were the same.

By a window across the small room he could see a woman bent over some cloth, stitching as she hummed softly. The light falling into the window made her features hard to make out and Sheppard wondered what exactly had happened.

He remembered fighting with the Genii hunters and barely escaping from them, but could not recall actually getting away. He stiffened suddenly in alarm, causing his wound to stab at his side and an unwanted hiss passed his lips. What if the woman was a Genii as well?

She looked up sharply at his hiss of pain and dropped the cloth, hurrying to his side. As she approached, he could see a long, grey braid swinging at her back, and kind, gentle eyes in her leathery, wrinkled face.

"You are awake!" she exclaimed, kneeling at his side. "Do not try to move. The wound was deep, and you will need plenty of rest."

"Where am I?" Sheppard croaked, realizing that his throat was parched.

"The Kulabii Forest in the Great Valley," the woman answered. "I am Renee. My husband, Gorav, found you in the forest while he was hunting and brought you here. What is your name?"

"Sheppard," the pilot managed to get out through gritted teeth. "John Sheppard." He had a sudden thought. "Were we followed?"

"My husband knows the forest well."

When she didn't elaborate, Sheppard felt that was answer enough. Hopefully there wouldn't be any Genii knocking on the door anytime soon. He tried to push himself up to sit against the wall and the woman pushed him back down with a firm hand.

"You are in no shape to be sitting up John Sheppard," she said sternly. "Would you like something to eat?"

Sheppard's eyes lit up, wondering when he had last eaten. "Yes ma'am."

Renee chuckled and turned away, taking a covered bowl that had been sitting by the fire and stirring its contents with a spoon.

"You are too thin!" she exclaimed. "Have you been in the forest long?"

"A few days," Sheppard replied.

"You cannot live on nuts alone, John Sheppard," Renee said. "We found those in your pockets." She held the bowl of steaming stew out to him and he took it, revealing in the warmth that emanated from the bowl as he took the spoon and sipped at the broth cautiously.

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