「9th set」: hot chocolate

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t o o r u o i k a w a
— year 3 class 6 —

Two weeks into September and the first thing I encounter after school is a call from Minoru's phone while she was off tending the members of the club.

"Noru-chan~" I approached her, holding the mobile device in my hand, as a towel draped around my neck during our time out.

She turned to me, just as she finished handing out the towels to each member, and right before averting her attention towards the bench which had all the water bottles in a crooked line. "What?".

"You're phone's been ringing nonstop" I tell her, glancing at the caller id as I read it in a clear bold font, "Takahashi-senpai, was it?".

I didn't know whether or not it was because of me or the caller, but the next thing I knew, it was almost as if the atmosphere turned dark and sour.

"Fuck". I could have sworn I heard her curse, as she grabbed her cell hastily, turning it off almost immediately. "I thought I deleted his number" she hisses in irritation.

"Who's that?—" I couldn't help but pry but she cut me off almost immediately.

"No one" she insisted before running off to refill our the bottles.

'She's acting suspicious', I thought, only to have Matsukawa snap me out of my thoughts as he overheard our conversation.

"Takahashi, huh?" He recalled as if he knew about what secret the girl kept from us.

"You know him?" I asked, wondering what knowledge he could possibly posses.

"No, but he sounds familiar" he answers, shrugging slightly.

"Wasn't that the third year she dated when we were in our second year of high school? There was a senior who used to pick her up during break, back when she and Iwaizumi were classmates." Hanamaki answers nonchalantly, turning to Iwaizumi for reassurance, "Right, Iwaizumi?".

"I guess so" my childhood friend spared us a thought, "Maybe that's him. But any other way it's none of our business".

'He was right'. Knowing how I was obviously the reason why we broke up, I knew I had no right to meddle. I knew I had absolutely no right to interfere whatsoever.

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But you honestly don't expect me to do so, when the girl's been acting troubled about it, until the following morning.

"Iwa-chan, do you know Noru-chan's friend. The short cheeky one who's all sharp-tongued and mean—" I turned to my childhood friend once the we headed down to get lunch, recalling the girl, only to be cut off as a familiar voice piped into our conversation.

"Hah? Who the hell are you calling mean?" Fujita Aiko glared daggers at me as soon as we passed by her, waiting in front of our classroom, most likely for Minoru.

"I was looking for you" I give her my signature smile, only to receive a disgusted expression from the girl.

She crossed her arms eyeing me intently before speaking up, "What do you want, trash?"

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