"So where will you guys go next? Since you guys travel in dreams, why can't you just stay here?" 

Seth looked over and gave me a lopsided smile. "Why? You gonna miss me?"

"It was a group 'you,'" I said, rolling my eyes. "So where did you guys live before this?"

"Have I ever mention how you can never seem to stop talking?" he asked, but there was no hostility in his voice this time. His eyes were sparkling with amusement, and I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"You might've, once or twice."

When we arrived at the end of my driveway, we were greeted by my mother. She ran out of the house and down the driveway to crush me in a tight hug.

"Mom," I choked out, struggling to talk. "I can't breathe."

She delicately kissed the top of my head, which was caked with blood, and smoothed down my hair with her hands. "I was watching the news and saw what happened at the high school. I was so worried when you didn't pick up your phone."

"I thought you'd be at work," I said, fishing my phone out of my backpack. I had nine missed calls from her and two texts from Luke. "Sorry, I wasn't thinking. I should've called."

"Yes, you should've, but I'm just glad you're okay," she said. And then she finally noticed everyone else. "I've never met so many of your friends before. Oh honey, where's Luke?"

"He was still at school with a friend when I left. And this is AJ, Elijah, and Mara."

"Come on in and clean yourselves up," she said, ushering everyone into the house. It was an odd sight, seeing the four of them covered in dry blood and standing awkwardly in my living room. "You poor things must be traumatized by what happened. I was horrified, and I was only watching it on the news. Aurora, can you go grab the guest towels and show your friends to the bathroom so they can wash off? I'll go prepare something to eat."

Elijah waited until she disappeared into the kitchen before saying, "I think I love her."

"Don't even think about it. She is way too old for you. Plus, I think she has a thing for Seth," I joked.

AJ bent down to look at a picture of me and Connor; his face was red from crying because I had just emptied my bowl of cereal onto his head. "You have a very inviting home."

Remembering what Seth said earlier, I suddenly realized how lucky I was to have my mom. Even though Dad left and shattered her whole world, she still remained strong for Connor and me. My mother is eternally supportive and caring, and I didn't show nearly enough gratitude towards her.

"She loves you very much," Elijah said to me, "but she's very worried about you and your brother. She tries not to show it, but she doubts her abilities as a single parent."

"Wait, are you like psychic or something? How did you know my Mom's a single parent? Ever since I met you, I feel you've been creepily on point at reading my mind," I said.

"I'm very empathetic."

"I told you before Elijah is extremely smart and perceptive. He reads social cues and facial expressions to gauge a person's emotions and thoughts," Seth explained.

Mara snorted. "I dunno how much of a genius do you have to be to realize she's a single parent." She picked up a picture frame and held it up for us. Someone had cut out Dad's face from the photo. 

"You should talk to her and reassure her that she's a wonderful mom," Elijah added.

"Yeah, I will. Hey, can you do the psychic thing on my brother next? He's been extremely anti-social, and it would be great if you could help me figure out how to help him."

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