Chapter One: Everything and Nothing

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(Percy's POV)

The day was warm, almost friendly. The sun's rays reminding him of her smile, the grey clouds of her eyes. Percy grinned and peered at the tall brick building n the distance.

He was going to see Annabeth after school. The thought was wonderful, and Percy loved the idea more than anything in the world. This day was especially special, not since it's the last day of school before meeting Annabeth, but rather that it was their anniversary coming up. Another summer then he was on his way to attend a college in Rome with his one and only. That is his dream, the one that pushed him to attend today.

He furrowed his brows and stared at the clouds. To think that the grey clouds peering down at him, silently edging him on was laughable. But to tell the truth, he missed her edgy grey eyes dearly, the ones that stares into his sea-green ones. Percy sighed softly, as he remembered cuddling with her in his cabin in Camp-half-blood. Even with that thought, he especially missed Grover. His satyr friend never failed to make him laugh, even in his darkest moments. He took a deep sigh of longing.

I'm going to see her today, he thought to himself. "Stay calm. Don't make anything go bad today, I'm going back to camp afterwards." He smiled at the sky, trying to relax his frayed nerves.


He couldn't stop smiling, hell, who would blame him,? All the other kids were laughing. He mentally chided himself, he should be on his best behavior, it's good diplomacy to try to set a last good example. However, his body failed to comply as it felt like his chest would explode with eagerness.

Percy, however, acted differently. His back slumped down once he saw the green door leading to the hallways. The paint chipped until the iron could be seen rusting underneath, what a pleasure.

Percy silently opened the door silently and made his way down to his locker. Eyes down, he made his way down the hallway, cross the corner, and opened his locker. As the last student exited the halls, Percy heard the first bell ringing, its sound blasting through every wall. 'going to be late again", Percy muttered underneath his breath.

He slammed the door closed and tracked down his classroom. Percy sprang out of the staircase and ran directly for another door. Once arriving upon his destination, Percy closed his eyes and sighed. Each second felt like a minute to him, the day would just be even longer. Being late could be adjustable if he had passing grades in his English class. He really just didn't care if Mrs. Shunner yelled at him.

Percy opened his eyes after a minute of silence, smiled once again and reminded himself of Annabeth, to stay cheerful, and not give up. He made his way to his class, and walked into the classroom, to begin his last day there. The class that started off his day was English, and Mrs. Shunner was the one that had to startoff his day. To make it worse she started with half an hour of reading. Always.

His least favorite subject, with his least teacher. Mrs. Shuner, hates him. That was shown in the first day he stepped inside the classroom. That was a fact, everyone knew. He feels the same way back, and all he needed was to show her that.

She placed him in the category: lowest of the lowes. His problem of Dyslexia didn't improve his reputation with her. That wasn't the only problem, the problem with her was that she loved gossip. Adored it. She knew all about his troubles before he even started at the school. He hated how she assumed him as a idiot, just like the others did, it made it seem worse.

"Hello, Mr. Jackson. You are late again." She twirled He pencil like a helicopter blade, getting faster and faster. He hoped her hair might catch on the blade one day.

"Sorry, I was at my locker." He replied with gritted teeth. Anger won't get him anywhere, he learnt that with her. But again...neither does patience.

She stared at him with her hard gray eyes, her eyes was nothing compared to Annabeth's eyes. Hers were cold and calculating, decide if weather what to degrade you as.

"Very well, we are going to finish up the book called Romeo and Juliet." She sternly said "take out the book and flip to page 176, and begin reading."

Percy dejectedly walked into his seat at the end of the classroom, he could feel the eyes of his classmates burning into his back, and the nasty comments they will make of him. That was unusual for her to ignore him...maybe he was finally getting along. Impossible, Percy frowned. There was no point in arguing, just let it be.

He sat down next to a kid, who patted him, and whispered, "Don't worry, we all have been there. Nasty little cockroach she is." Wrinkling his nose, he dived back into his own book.

He smiled back at the kid, gratefully in fact. Leaning back, he pulled out his own book, to start his day off. He needed some support.


"Mr. Jackson, would you like to enlighten us with the overview of the book, Romeo and Juliet?" Mrs. Shunner, narrowed her eyes. She was finally getting revenge.

"In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, a long feud between the Montague and Capulet families disrupts the city of Verona and causes tragic results for Romeo and Juliet. Revenge, love, and a secret marriage force the young star-crossed lovers to grow up quickly — and fate causes them to commit suicide in despair." Percy didn't know where that came from.

And surprisingly Mrs. Shunner nodded, "Very good Mr. Jackson, maybe you developed brains after all."

It wasn't a compliment, but nevertheless he felt content. With the teacher or him, he wasn't sure. It was alright in his own opinion.

"Class, I hope you learned many things over the course of the year." A rare smile appeared on her face. "I students will make a good cause of your future. As many can see it would be a drive towards your future. Good luck-- all of you." She turned around to erase the board.

"Mr. Jackson I wish to see you." Her clipped voice sounded very forced.

I am trying to make edits on parts that doesn't make sense, but this is the first time I wrote Fanfiction, so plz make comments on what I can work on. I will also try to make the stories a little bit longer, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

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