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"Urghh, I've seen all these films like a hundred times!" Sitting cross legged in front of the tv I flick simultaneously through the same film titles that I had five minutes earlier.

"When will the Food be here ? " I huff in a whiney voice.
Jumping up I stomp my way to the kitchen, no sign of anyone here..
I pour myself a glass of milk, I just love the way milk looks in a glass, the sides coated with a translucent film of pure goodness. Slurping my drink I head towards my room, deciding I will give the girls a text while I'm waiting but then with a heavy heart I remember that my phone is in the possession of "the one who must be obeyed."
Trailing down the hallway I notice dads study door slightly ajar and peek my head around the door. He's sitting at his desk engrossed in his computer screen , the bright light of the screen turning his skin a deep hue of blue against the darkness of the room.
He's typing..
"Dad are you coming down ?"
" I'll be down soon as I can Georgie, just got to.... deal with this first."

Two and half hours later, I'm still sitting on my own staring at the tv screen, totally oblivious to the fact that the programme I had been watching was long finished. My mind preoccupied with how angry, no how furious I am. My dirty dinner plate sits at my feet, laced with the remnants of lemon chicken and egg fried rice. Anger and frustration quickly turn to utter despair and rejection. Tears rim my eyes as I lay my head against the cushioned arm rest. I was worthless, my own dad would rather 'work' than spend time with me. What was supposed to be a night of father,daughter ended minus father. I was losing him, our once close bond starting to tear at the seams. To an outsider it would seem I was an over dramatic, spoilt madam crying over spilt milk, yet it was real, the raw feeling of disappointment that I had again been tossed aside like a forgotten dream.
My thoughts turn to my mother as I close my sticky, wet eyelids. The things we would have done together, the times we would have shared. I drift off enveloping myself in my fictitious life, what could have been but never was....

"Georgie ? Georgie?.." I awaken to a soft familiar voice, "Georgie ?" There is a short tap on the door
" Georgie, love are you going to school today?"
What? I am confused and disorientated for a brief second until I realise that I have somehow ended up in my own bed and it's morning and to my dismay a school day!
I think for a moment .. Do I feign sickness and lie in bed all day or do I take the opportunity to escape this house avoiding any contact or confrontation. I decide on the latter.
"Just coming Maggie!"

The smell of freshly cooked toast fills the air as I enter the kitchen. I help myself to a piece as I perch myself at the breakfast bar.
" Your late today lass, better get a move on else the bus will be leaving without you. Now here's some money for lunch and...... Georgie can you not look a bit more presentable?"
"Sorry Maggie got to go, thanks for the toast" as I grab myself another slice off the ever expanding pile.
She shakes her head despairingly, I'm a lost cause.
I catch myself in the mirror on the way out. It's not that bad, yes my eyes are tired and my hair a bit, well , back combed? My blouse is loose, skirt too short, tie sort of knotted, my blazer is creased looking due to the fact it has lain on my floor in a crumpled heap all weekend, my socks are falling down over my pin like legs and my converse are scuffed. Overall I'm pleased with the look, not your average public school girl.
After an non eventful bus ride I arrive at school a half an hour later. Swarms of teenagers gather around the grim, iron gates, while more are making their way up the long drive towards the foreboding mass of Heriot Watts Academy.
Head down I avoid the stares and glares of numerous eyes and make my way to the dilapidated bike shed, our preferred meeting place. Fair and Amanda are already waiting. Fair her usual glamorous self, something I could never seem to achieve.
"Hey girl" Amanda rasps inbetween drawing and inhaling her cigarette. To anyone looking they would assume they were final year and me the kid sister.
"Hey" I mutter as I pinch the cigarette out of her hand and inhale deeply.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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