Facing the music...

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I opened the front door slowly, no sign of anyone.. If I can just get to my room.

I start to creep up the stairs taking each step lightly, avoiding the creaking boards.


Startled I look round to see my dad standing at the bottom of the stairs.

His forefinger gesturing me to come to him. I pause ...

" Georgie I've not got all day, come here!" Not shouting but with a hint if annoyance in his tone.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs he holds out his hand.

" Give" he points at the bags.

I hand them over .

" Right, these will be going back first off!"

I pout. Still refusing to speak.

"Furthermore you are grounded as of now and I'll be holding on to your phone. Now up to your room!"

It was enough to break my silence.

" That's not fair! Please dad, take the clothes back but please can I have my phone, please!!" Sticking out my bottom lip, he always gives in when I look cute.

" Georgie! I've not got time for this just now I have a video conference to attend too. I'll speak to you later!"

"What's new! You never have time for me anymore, just for your stupid bands!" I yell.

Sobbing I start to run up the stairs.

" I hate you!!"

I run to my bedroom and throw myself onto my bed feeling sorry for myself.

Pulling myself onto my back I stare at my ceiling, painted to mimic a night sky. If I stare long enough it's almost as if the stars twinkle at me, I believe it's my mum letting me know she's there. I think this about a lot of things. Like the robin that frequents our garden, he always appears when the going gets tough and I know then everything will be ok.

How long I was lying I don't know. There was a chap on the door and it opened, -- what is the point in knocking if your going to open it anyway??

I know who it is but I'm stubborn and keep my eyes transfixed on the ceiling.

" Georgie"

My bed creaks as he sits down.

"Georgie" he sounds calm.

I look at him my head not shifting off the pillow , my eyes cold and blank.

He taps the bed beside him motioning me to come sit.

Reluctantly I swing my legs round and sit next to him, my head down, staring at my thin, small hands. I fiddle with the friendship bracelet around my wrist, it's a nervous thing.

" Georgie I know your feeling hard done by, but really what do you expect? First there was last night, then you go..."

I interrupt " you already punished me for last night"

There's silence, he's thinking.

" Last night you never even gave me a chance to explain..." I say with a slight break in my voice.

He puts his hand on top of mine.

"I'm sorry Georgie, I was angry and disappointed and I wasn't thinking..."

I don't let him finish instead I put my arms round him and sob, tear stains marking his pure white t shirt. I just needed a cuddle... from my dad.

He strokes my head and then lifts the bottom of my chin so my eyes meet his.

"You know I love you Georgie? I'm sorry I've been neglecting you lately, I'll make it up to you I promise!"

He kisses the top of my head.

" Now go get yourself cleaned up.. I thought we could get some takeaway later , maybe watch a movie?"

" Chinese?" I ask hopefully.

" Whatever you wish sweetie, now chop, chop "

He taps me lightly on the bum as I run towards my en suite.

As I am showering my mind is going over the events of the past couple of days. I am feeling happier in myself. Today could have ended a completely different way if I hadn't kept my anger under control. Maybe that's the secret to an easier life?

I'm kidding myself I could never stay out of trouble and I'm headstrong -- like my dad.

I switch off the shower and wrap my towel around my body. As I walk back into my bedroom I notice bags on my bed , the same bags that I had brought home today. Attached to one is a post it note. Scribbled in familiar handwriting -- "your still grounded!"

I smile to myself, I have the clothes even if I can't go anywhere in them!

I stick my fluffy hello kitty onesie on. I may look ridiculous but it's comfy.

I'm looking forward to my Chinese and believe it or not a long overdue bonding night with the father !...

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