Liam sick- for larrybeiberdreams

Start from the beginning

"Just to the kitchen, had to grab the thermometer."

Liam sat up slightly to have his temperature taken.

"Not feeling good Li?" His papa asked sadly. Niall was too distracted by all the colourful presents to care about what was going on around him. He was still talking loudly about everything he'd opened up so far, unaware of the conversation going on around him.

Liam shook his head slightly as his dad slid the thermometer between his lips. The cold steel made him shudder and tighten his grip on the soft blanket over him.

"You definitely feel warmer," his Dad muttered sympathetically, his hands all over Liam's face. Face screwed up, Liam pushed his hands away.

"Sorry Bud. Let me see that," he said as he retrieved the thermometer.

"What's it say?" Liam's papa asked from across the room. Niall was climbing on him, driving a toy train along his shoulders behind his neck.


"Does that mean I stay home from school?" Liam said hopefully. He couldn't imagine what it would be like having to survive his classes feeling like he was, but it definitely wouldn't be pleasant.

"Yeah Love, I think you'll be in bed all day," his Dad replied, smiling as he fixed the blanket over Liam. "Niall's all finished up now, you can grab something to eat and go back to bed if you'd like."

Liam nodded and made a move to get up, allowing his Dad to lift him onto his feet, "I'm not hungry, but I'll go back to bed."

"Call out if you need anything Li, I'm home from work today so I'll be around," his Papa said, waving a hand.

"Okay," Liam murmured as he shuffled off back to his bedroom. His bed was so inviting, the attraction was like that of a magnet. The mattress instantly molded around him as he cuddled a pillow into his chest and closed his eyes, hoping that his stomachache wouldn't keep him up.

In the end it didn't, but it turned out sleeping wasn't the best decision because he woke up feeling so, so much worse than he had when he'd gone to sleep. Just rolling over and opening his eyes made him wish that he could rip his head off his shoulders to make it all stop.

"Mmmm. . . P-Papa?" He croaked, tucking his knees up. His throat was killing and his ears were burning. The right was worse than the left, it could've been on fire for how hot it was.

It hadn't been loud enough the first time, so he called out for his Papa again, painfully enough for tears to spring to his eyes. Scraped raw, his throat wouldn't hardly let him speak at all. It was that bad.

The door opened and Liam pushed himself up on one elbow, his head swimming nauseatingly, "Papa. . ."

"I thought I heard you, you don't sound good at all Baby!"

Liam didn't want to explain everything. It would hurt too much to talk and his head was pounding so hard he could hardly keep his eyes open so instead he just made a sound and made his Papa come over to give him a hug.

One arm knocked his right ear and a dry croak escaped his lips, "ow. . ."

"Sorry sweetheart, what's the matter?" His papa rubbed his back soothingly.

Liam grasped his throat in his hands, "h-hurts. And my ears."

"Your ears?" His papa repeated, confused. He pulled away slightly and had a look at them. Liam probed one gently to feel that they were hot to the touch as well.

"Don't touch Bud, they're angry red. Maybe infected," his Papa said as he moved Liam's hand away. He sighed, "I think we're gonna have to take a trip to the doctors. Double ear infections don't sound any fun, and your throat. . .you said you had a stomachache this morning too, right? It's all very confusing."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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