Harry sick- for JustinsMyLife*extended

Começar do início

My stomach chose that moment to make one of the strangest noises I've heard, grumbling and growling all at once. Louis' eyes crinkled in amusement, "that wasn't your ass right?"

I rolled my eyes, "no. It wasn't."

The drive was about twenty minutes back to our hotel due to the traffic. The streets were busy with cars and we could hardly turn a corner without having to wait a couple of minutes. It took Louis three minutes to doze off and Liam and Niall were chatting behind me but I wasn't a part of it.

Judging by the whale noises my stomach was still making, I'd eaten too much. I wasn't about to admit it to Louis or anything, but I could to myself. As we bumped up the curb into the hotel the discomfort levels rose higher and I bit down on my lip.

After waking a very sleepy Louis up, we were all escorted upstairs, well, up in the elevator, to our rooms. Niall and Liam had theirs beside mine and Louis'. They waved goodbye and headed inside, leaving me struggling with my key card. The damn thing never worked for me and Louis was no help, he was half asleep on my shoulder.

"Fuck," I huffed, trying once more. No luck.

Louis giggled and finally held a hand out for me to place the card into.

"Show off," I murmured as the light went green on his first try, the door swinging open. My gut did something weird as I stepped into the room and my face must've showed it, as even sleepy Louis was quick to question about it.

"You good?"

"Yeah, perfect," I answered, turning so that my back was to him. I bent over to untie my shoes, finding the tucked up position was actually a lot more comfortable.

"Well, I'm heading to bed," Louis declared, yawning as he shrugged his jacket off and dumped it on the floor.

"G'night then," I said, straightening back up and shuffling across the tiles in my socks, not bothering to pick my feet up.

He disappeared through the doorway and then his door closed. Once the coast was clear, my gaze immediately went to the bathroom. It was the only thing I knew was sure to help get rid of this feeling. I wasn't going to be able to sleep as I was, so I didn't have much of a choice about it.

I grabbed a magazine from the shelf as I strode past.

The longer I sat there the worse I felt. Nothing had even happened yet, and when I checked my phone for the time, hands trembling, forty minutes had passed. My stomach was an impossible knot, tangled in a ball that just grew tighter and tighter as it bounced around sickeningly inside of me. It had gotten unbearably hot in the last ten minutes so I wasn't even wearing a shirt anymore, and now I had the shakes.

When my stomach lurched I got the fright of my life. I'd never gotten off the toilet faster, tugging my pants up as my breathing grew heavy over the water. 'Get it up, you'll feel better,' I told myself, shutting my eyes as the nausea tripled and a wet gag burst from my wet lips.

Now I really was relieved that I hadn't said anything to Louis. Ever since I was little I could never handle company when throwing up. It was a disgusting process and I couldn't stand knowing that someone was seeing me in such a gross state. Plus, it's not like their presence was ever any help. I used to have to forcefully remove mum from the bathroom, until she finally resorted to sitting behind the closed door and checking I was still alive every now and then.

After throwing up I took a deep breath and wearily flushed the toilet, wiping an arm over my mouth. Dinner didn't taste so good the second time. Ignoring the fact that I felt more or less exactly the same, despite what I'd been telling myself, I stood and brushed my teeth before heading to bed.

One Direction SickficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora