••Stan Uris•• PART 2

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I had noticed a lot of you guys wanted a part to so here it is! I hope you like it.


Shit. Shit. Shit.
No this can't be happening right now. Not now. They can't know! What will they say? Will they still want me in their group? I'm not like him! At least I hope I'm not.

Henry came into sight not to long after he had called out to me. Everything was going so well to. "What have I told you about hanging around these losers?" He said with a serious tone. I didn't want to argue here. Not now. "Y/N you hang out with him?" I heard stan ask with a confused tone. "Well of course she does! I am her brother after all?" He said with a questioning tone.


"Oh so she hasn't told you? I see. Well she's my sister and I told her to not hang around you losers. But I guess she couldn't listen" he said with an annoyed tone.  "Y/n why didn't you tell us?" Bev said and looks at me" I shook my head and just walked off. Bumping elbows with my brother as I walked by. He chased after me and smirked. "Awh what's wrong? Sissy didn't get her way? Sissy didn't get to hang out with the losers? I told you to stay a-" "AWAY. I KNOW! for once Henry can't you just let me live my life the way I want? Can't you just mind your own damn business for once!?"

I just made the worse mistake.
Talking back to him was NOT an option.
He grabbed my wrist stopping me from walking "for your information your my little sister. You are my business. And when it comes to protecting you from a bunch of freaks, I'll do what I have to do". He stated with a serious an protective voice.


IT imagines 💕🎈जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें