the talk

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The next few days where a blur the night I had asked Dwayne what he was the only thing he said to me was to wait. How long? A week? A month? It's been four days and he hand not said a word to me. When I took Charles to see him he avoided eye contact with me if I tried to touch him to get his attention he's body tensed. It was like he was....afraid but whatever it was he would have to get over it he seems to have made a bond with Charles so if he wanted to keep seeing him he would have no choice but to tell me the truth so tonight I was going alone.

I cleaned up the house to help make it more like a home we had toys, games, pictures, and many other things we had either won or bought at the boardwalk it was going to be our forever home and I was not ready to let a man ruin that. Charles was fast asleep form playing games all day once I was dresses and ready to leave I took one last look At the sleeping child. He was mine, my son my life I always wanted to make him happy and I knew he was happy here I just had to make sure nothing would ruin it.

Once I got to the boardwalk it was nearly nine i walked to where I knew Dwayne would be And sure enough there he was sitting on his bike the others nowhere to be seen. I hesitate for a moment not knowing what to do or what to say once I approach him. A thousand thoughts ran through my mind, what will happen? What answers will I get? Will he kill me?. All the questions that were following through my mind kept me frozen in one spot.

Gathering up all my courage I take my first steps twords him the sounds around me becoming more and more quiet with each step I took. Once I was stand in front of him I kept my head up but made sure to avoid eye contact.

"Well what are you?" I blurted out quietly looking anywhere but at him.

Gently he ran his hand down my arm to my wrist "go for a ride with me then I promise I'll answer all of your questions" he said softly. The way he talked to me made my legs turn to jelly his voice was deep but relaxing it made me wonder how many girls he used it on to lure them in.

I take a deep breath before I climbed on the back of his back and securely wrapped my arms around his lower stomach. In a second flat we we're driving down the steps and onto the beach zooming past bonfire after bonfire throwing Sand in the air as we went. Feeling the cool breeze on my face and the thrill of the speed I almost forgot I was on the back of a bike with a monster someone who a week ago I seen tear people apart and drain them of blood...someone I knew I was falling for.

Coming to a stop I realize we were at a Cave this one was different from the one they had taken me and Charles to. This one was under a Clif right outside was the ocean the only way in was by a ladder going up. Climbing up we enter the only thing keeping light out are blackout curtains that hung in front of the entrance followed with colorful fabrics and beads. The inside was decorated with large feathers hanging from the ceiling the walls covered with posters of various bands along with a few animal pellets, a large old sofa and a worn out table sat in the middle of the room. To the far right was another door way with beads hang down as a door to the left was another.

I turn to Dwayne looking at him questioningly "what is this place?" I asked as I walked to the sofa taking a seat "was the other cave not big enough, or did the bodies just pile up to high for you?".

He signed walking towards me the look on his face gave me a clear answer of how he felt right now. He seemed scared, confused, sad these were emotions I never seen on him till that night with Michael. He knelt down to his knees in front of me placing his hands on top of mine. He waited for a few moments before he let out a gagged breath and kissed my hands.

"I will answer all of your questions Emery just ask" his voice was soft and I could tell he was telling the truth. Swallowing the lump in my throat I took my hands from him looking him in the eyes. "What are you?" I asked in a Shakey tone regretting the question as soon as it left my mouth.

"A vampire" he answered me like it was a natural answer. "How many people have you killed?" This time I forced my breath to even as I spoke. "I'm not sure I have lost count after a few centuries".

"Have you killed woman and children?" I asked quietly keeping eye contact. He refused to look at me for a moment as if he wasn't sure how to answer. "Women but not children..never children" he spoke quietly his eyes glossing over as he answered. I quickly broke eye contact I could not bring myself to look at him after the answer I had just received. The man I had fallen in love with had killed woman thousands if not more.

Getting up I walk past him stopping at the entrance my mind racing with a million things at a time. I turn around taking a deep breath "how can you be a vampire? There not real, there just made up monsters parents make up in stories to make there children behave". He gave me a saddened look standing up he went to speak but before he got a chance I stopped him. "How can can I have..I trusted you with my brother..I left him alone with you" at this point I was crying trying to stand my ground.

Dwayne quickly walked over wrapping his arms around me bring me tight into his chest. I couldn't fight back I was Shakey and afraid "how can I have fallen in love with a monster?" I said softly almost like a whisper. I felt his arms stiffen as I realize what I had just said I had just confessed to a vampire that I had fallen in love with him. Slowly I tilt my head to look at him he was looking down at me with a soft expression that made my knees turn to jelly. Slowly he leaned down and before I knew it he had captured my lips with his, hesitating I begin to kiss him back with as much tenderness as I can. In that Moment I knew I could not deny that I was in love as I felt an electric, magnetic, and a loving sensation as we kissed.


Sorry it's been so long since I had updated. I will update star-crossed tommorow 😊✌

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