Part 1- The News

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I do not own Team Fortress, only my OC.

Note: I'm very bad with accents

You all know the story of TF2. A bunch of guys fighting each other over a useless scrap of land. Though, one day, the Administrator, someone who looks over the events of the mercenaries fights, decided to spice things up a bit. 

September 1st, 1968

Location: Badland, New Mexico, USA

Third POV

"We're getting a what?!" shouted a Brooklyn accented voice. This voice belonged to the Scout.  One of the nine mercenary classes that were participating in the Gravel Wars. An event that has been happening for nearly 150 years. Currently, they were all gathered around the deceased, bloodied, and tied up courier who was sent to the mercs with a T.V message from the Administrator.

"You and all of the other mercenaries of the RED team are getting another class. Is it not that clear?" stated a woman in her late mid-years and sitting in a chair. She had black hair with graying lines and wore a purple business suit and purple ball earings and was currently smoking a cigar.

"We get that part Miss Administrator, but why is what all of us are askin," said a smooth Texan voice. This belonged to the Engineer another of the mercs.

"I have seen your progress against the BLU's and I must say, I'm very disappointed," she said bitterly. Throughout the month, it seemed that the BLU team has gained the upper hand in this war. Throughout every single battle no matter how different their tactics were the RED team was consistently introduced to the ground.

"Well if a certain spook here would've taken down the wankers that get away, then maybe we wouldn't lose so much!" shouted an angry Australian voice, which belonged to the Sniper.

"Oh, is the Bushman admitting zhat he can't shoot? Anyways, I would be able to, if it weren't for that blue mumbling buffoon hunting me out," said a French voice. This belonged to the Spy who was currently lighting a cigar.

"So, vwhat should we expect from our new recruit," said a German-accented voice, which belonged to the team's Medic. Excited, but muffled noises then came from behind him. These belonged to Pyro, who was excited by the fact that he/she/it will gain a new friend.

"You will see that she is more than what meets the eye," she replied curtly.

"Wait a second, Heavy believes he has heard phone box lady say, 'she'," said a deeply Russian accent, which belonged to the Heavy Weapons Guy class or Heavy for short.

"Are yeh saying that we're getting a lady lass for our *burp* crew?" said a drunken, Scottish accent. This belonged to the team's Demoman, who currently had a bottle of 'Scrumpy' which he was drinking. The Scout then yelped as he was rudely pushed to the side by a rough hand to the face.

"Gah! I will not allow a woman on the battlefield! They do not have the experience like us men do!" shouted the figure who pushed Scout aside, whose name was Soldier.

"I can assure you, Soldier, that the Hunter will be very exceptional. Right now I believe that Miss Pauling has already boarded her flight to recruit the new class," the Administrator said.

"Flight? So then where does our new recruit live?" the Spy asked as he blew out a puff of smoke.

"Japan, her file has already been sent to you Medic. Dismissed," she said before the screen turned black.

Location: Kōtō, Tokyo, Japan

Unknown POV

Loud sounds went all around as I gazed down at the streets. My hood was up covering my hair and most of my face. Then out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something. A father and his daughter were walking down the streets, both of them happy and smiling and enjoying each other's company, something I have never tasted. But that wasn't what was caught my eye, it was the person following them. A guy in a black trench coat was following them. I took out a photo and saw that the guy looked exactly like the one in the picture. I got up from the ledge I was sitting on and followed them. I then saw the family pair head into an alley, which was, unfortunately, a dead end, so they must be from out of town. I saw them notice that they just hit a dead end and was about to turn around until they saw the man from the photo. He then pulled out a gun and the daughter quickly held on tight to her father.

"All right, here's how this is going to go, give me some money to take, or I take one of your lives," the man stated. This just caused the two to hold each other closer. God, now I see why they want this guy dead. I then saw him take a step closer and decided to intervene. I jumped off the building I was standing on and landed directly between the man and family, kneeling on one leg.

"Threatening tourists for money? No wonder they want you dead," I said the last piece in my home tongue.

"Well Satan can't get me when his demon's dead!" he shouted and fired his gun at me, but I just grabbed one of my swords and quickly blocked the bullets, ricocheting them and sending them into the walls. He stared back at me, and I think he just realized who I was.

"No... no, no, no, y-you stay away from me!"  he shouted out and turned to run away, but I just flicked out one of my guns and shot him in the back of his right knee and he fell down but tried to make an effort by crawling away. I sighed at this, usually, it would make me happy, watching my enemy crawl away in a desperate chance to evade death, but I guess this form of hunting just doesn't cut it for me anymore. I'm going to have to ask Goro for some more tougher jobs, but this one was our toughest, mostly due to the guy being pretty elusive. I then realized that the man almost made it out of the alley and quickly walked up to him. I stepped on the injured leg and he gave out a shout of pain. I pulled out my other gun.

"W-wait, please! If you let me go I'll-." he didn't finish as I already pulled the trigger, shooting him in the neck. I sighed as I fished out my camera and made sure that I could get a full shoot as proof. I then pulled out a phone and contacted the police in order to get rid of the body. After that, I turned to the family who was still holding each other.

"You shouldn't walk out at night, it's when the real creeps start coming out," I told them and started to leave.

"Wait!" I heard the man shout.

"Thank you, for saving me and my daughter, you are our hero," he said holding his child protectively. That got me to stop and turn around. Me, a hero?

"I'm not a hero, I'm just someone who kills for money," I told them.

"Is it for your family?" the little girl questioned. That made me stiffen a bit. I gave the little girl a cold hard glare that made her hide behind her father's leg even more.

"Ain't got one, and never had one, for as long as I could remember," I stated and turned around.

"Wait, what's your name?" I heard the girl shout. I turned to look at her again, but with a less cold stare and only one eye showing out of my hood.

"Hunter, now get the hell out of here,".

AN: So yeah! This is my rewrite for this story and sorry for all these slow updates. Sorry if it wasn't as good as the original, but I have such a huge plan for this story! Anyway, what did you think about this? Good, bad, horrible, awesome, middle, neutral? Tell me in the comments below and make sure to vote if you liked it or share it with others who may like it! Anyways, until next time, SEE YA!!!!!!!!

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