Suspicious Activity

Start from the beginning

"Don't go," you say, and he looks concerned. "I'll get lonely," you added with a smile, covering up your anxiety. He seemed convinced that it was the only reason you wanted him to stay. Truthfully, it was because you're scared. What if something happened? What if you had a seizure in your sleep and choked on your vomit and you never woke up?

Brendon stripped down to his boxers, tossing his clothes out from behind the curtain of the bunk. You cuddle up next to him and fall asleep nearly instantly.

You wake up the next morning and the bed is empty. You sit up quickly, but you hear Brendon's voice coming from the tiny kitchen talking to Dallon, and you calm down. You stretch and roll out of bed, padding into the kitchen area. Brendon is manning a pan on the stove top. His eyes light up as you enter.

"Good morning, gorgeous," Brendon greets you.

"Well hi there, sleeping beauty!" Zack joked.

"What time is it?" You ask as you lean into Brendon's chest and he kisses you on the top of your head.

"Eleven," Dallon replies.

Your eyes grow wide. "Gees why didn't you wake me up?"

"I wanted you to get some extra sleep," Brendon says, rubbing your back. You nod gratefully and step away, sliding into the booth next to Dallon. Dallon puts an arm around you.

"Want to eat? We're making pancakes," Dallon announced.

"Yeah, sure," you reply happily. The door to the bus swung open and Kenny and Dan climbed up. They both sat down on the couch.

Pancakes were served up soon after. The boys start talking about the set list for their show tonight. Dallon lists off the songs on his fingers, everyone nodding as he went. As soon as he mentioned Sins there was a collective groan, especially from Brendon. You smirked.

"Oh come on guys, do it for the fans!" You coach.

"Fine," Brendon pouts. The conversation continued.

"We could close out with Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time," Dallon suggested.

"I kind of li–" you started, but didn't finish.

Everyone's attention was on you, but you said nothing. A blank stare took over your face.

"Y/n?" Brendon asked you. You don't respond at all. The boys are unsure what to think, but worry consumes Brendon. "Y/n?" He called loudly, leaning over the table to shake your shoulder. After some delay, you speak,

"–ike when you close out victorious, though."

You see everyone staring at you with the strangest expression. Gees, was closing with Victorious that bizarre of an idea? You realize Brendon is touching your arm. When did that happen?

"Y/n," Brendon says, confused, "Are you okay?"

Suddenly you realized what must have happened. You probably had an absence seizure. They're weird–they're not like seizures you see on tv. It looks like you're staring off, but nothing can break you out of the trance. It lasts just a few seconds and you have no idea that they happen. You just jump back in where you left off, sometimes in the middle of a sentence like you just did, apparently.

You need to cover this up. Pretend like you knew it happened.

"Sorry, I just zoned out so hard," You laugh.

You feel everyone's gaze on you.

"Yeah, you really did," Dallon said with a furrowed brow, "Are you sure you're okay?" He was in full dad-mode and the thought of it almost made you smile.

"Yeah I'm fine!" you said reassuringly, "I just lost my train of thought."

Brendon sits himself back down, releasing your arm but continued to stare you down. The boys seem convinced, but Brendon does not. He's trying to read your eyes, but you put on your best disguise.

"Well, by request of the lady," Kenny spoke up to lighten the mood, "I think we should do Victorious."

Everyone was nodding in agreement, including you. Brendon was still looking at you intently.

"Shit," Zack said looking at his phone, "We gotta be at sound check in 5 minutes."

Everyone threw their plates in the sink and scrambled to get their things together. You were all ready to pour out of the bus in a matter of seconds.

You push the events of the morning out of your mind, and make yourself busy at soundcheck, helping out where you can. Then it was down to the dressing room for a bit.

You hang out behind the paneling during the meet and greet. You play with the apps on your phone and wander around the internet. You're tired and end up sitting on the ground up against the cool concrete wall. You can hear the happy squeals of fans meeting the band, and occasionally Brendon's beautiful laugh. It makes you smile to yourself.

You all go back to the dressing room once the meet and greet is over. The boys begin their usual shenanigans after getting their outfits on. Brendon still seems to be watching you from the corner of his eye. You make sure to laugh and react appropriately to everything happening, not wanting to let on to your exhaustion. They are a hilarious bunch, so it's not too hard. Brendon's skin tight pants are your main point of focus, as usual. God he looked so good. He comes over to you and sits, asking again if you're okay, after this morning. You reassure him with an annoyed laugh.

"I'm FINE, babe. I love you," you smile, planting a kiss on his lips.

It's finally go time and you head up to the stage area. Brendon leans over with some weird body language to Zack and says something quietly into his ear. Zack nods dutifully in response. You wonder what he said.

["Keep an eye on Y/n for me, okay?"]

Brendon approaches you one last time. "Break a leg, Bren," you smile. He nods and kisses your the neck. Once Brendon steps out, the arena bursts with cheers.

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